Subject: "Old Time" strongmen used THIS to build superhuman strength...

"Old Time" strongmen used THIS to build superhuman strength...

January 30th, 2019 at 1:49 pm EDT

The technique is called Yielding Isometrics. Isometric Exercises are exercises where you contract the muscle but don't move the joint. This EXACT technique was used by old-school strongmen used to increase their strength to levels tha ...

Serious core power and dumbbell...

January 29th, 2019 at 7:39 am EDT

This one isn't about flattening your stomach or tightening your waist...let me just tell you that right up front. Because if you want to build functional core POWER and STRENGTH, you need to move heavy weight around your body and you need to ...

The Spartan Formula...

January 28th, 2019 at 7:41 am EDT

Spartan warriors didn't have it easy. If you've seen the movie 300 , you probably have a notion of what their life was like. From what I've read about Spartan training, it actually wasn't too far off the mark. Tough...brutal. ...

This abdominal circuit is NUTS...

January 27th, 2019 at 7:55 am EDT

The workout is called the Inside Out Core Crusher...and you know with a name like that, I'm not joking around. The Inside Out Core Crusher is a KILLER circuit put together specifically to target the core...without using a single actual AB exe ...

My secret to staying injury free after 28+ years of insane training...

January 26th, 2019 at 11:05 am EDT

I've managed to stay pretty much injury free despite all the insane things that I do because of the connective tissue strength that I've developed. Literally, some of the things I do would crush a person who hasn't trained the way I have. ...

The ROOT of your strength is NOT your muscles...

January 25th, 2019 at 4:30 pm EDT

Yes...muscles provide the drive that moves your limbs, which moves the weight...but they're not the REAL root of your strength. That's your connective tissue..tendons, ligaments, fascia, bones, etc. In my 28+ years of training I've ma ...

How to train like a Ninja... (cool stuff)

January 24th, 2019 at 6:48 am EDT in the training techniques that were used by actual Ninjas to develop inhuman joint strength, movement capability and instantly-accessible explosive power. This stuff is incredible and right up my alley. When my friend Ryan Murdock (wh ...

"INHUMAN levels of joint strength..."

January 23rd, 2019 at 7:57 am EDT

And when I say this is Ninja stuff, I mean REAL Ninja stuff... in the training techniques that were used by actual Ninjas to develop inhuman joint strength, movement capability and instantly-accessible explosive power. This stuf ...

Killer tweak for your lower ab work...

January 22nd, 2019 at 7:39 am EDT want to tighten up and strengthen your lower abs? Well, then you likely already know how hard it is to target your lower abs without strongly involving your hip flexors when performing a standard hanging knee raise or leg raise movem ...

The Metamorphosis Interview - a NEW way to build muscle

January 21st, 2019 at 8:02 am EDT

Your "genetic" limitations on muscle size are NOT genetic. You've stopped growing because your training hasn't optimized the four key physiological factors that are essential for accessing your TRUE muscle growth potential. ...

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