Subject: The Spartan Formula...

Spartan warriors didn't have it easy.

If you've seen the movie "300", you probably have a notion of what their life was like. From what I've read about Spartan training, it actually wasn't too far off the mark.


Their training was the inspiration for something called "The Spartan Formula." It's a formula packed with adaptogenic herbs targeted to improving recovery and performance.

I've used it and it WORKS.

Here's what's in it.



This herb was a favorite of Russian soldiers during the Cold War. They used it to test soldiers ability to withstand grueling cold conditions. It was also used by Russian athletes during the Olympics, which allowed them to become a dominating force (not counting the PED's, of course).

A study on mice showed the compounds in Eleuthero prevented lactic acid buildup...push back the "shut down" effects of that buildup and your performance will immediately improve.


Schisandra Berry

Is the gold standard of tonic herbs. It’s the only adaptogen in all of Chinese Medicine that enters all 12 meridians.

These include the…

  • Kidney
  • Pericardium
  • Triple Warmer
  • Lung
  • Large intestine
  • Small intestine
  • Liver
  • Bladder Spleen
  • Heart
  • Stomach
  • Gallbladder

In short, it’s got a lot of power. It combines the five tastes, salty, sour, bitter, pungent and sweet into one. As an adaptogen, Schisandra’s primary powers come in the form of fighting stress.

This herb has been shown to…

  • Reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone) in the body
  • Control changes in serotonin and adrenaline caused by stress
  • Fight adrenal fatigue caused by stress
  • Help with night vision



This adaptogen is great for stress. It does this by decreasing or preventing hormonal changes tied to prolonged stress. It’s known as ‘The Golden Root’ or ‘Arctic Root’ and survives in the harsh mountains of Europe and Asia.

Rhodiola also…

  • Increases your red blood cell count so you can fight fatigue
  • Reduces effects of depression through its high concentration of Rosavin
  • Aids in weight loss as a fat burner



Rounding out the Spartan Formula is one of the most potent medicinal mushrooms for energy.

One of the biggest indicators of energy during exercise is our ATP levels. Nerd alert. ATP, also known as Adenosine Triphosphate, is a complex organic chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells. These processes include muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and chemical synthesis.

This makes ATP the most direct and rapid energy source to exercise.


Put together, these herbs make for an extremely powerful formula.


I've tested the Spartan Formula out on myself, and I really like it.

The taste is very... well, interesting... since there are ZERO additives or flavorings, only active ingredients. The formula was not made for the purpose of tasting was made to WORK.

And the real benefits you'll get from it more than make up for the taste. You get over that pretty quick once you feel the improvements in energy and focus.

I'm not a coffee drinker and I don't like the "fake" energy from energy drinks, etc. I have found this formula helps me function at a somewhat higher level without dips in energy like I sometimes see during the day.

I don't feel wired...I just feel more alert and "mentally functional", so to speak.

If you're tired of the caffeine rollercoaster, this is something I'd definitely recommend you give a try.

This is really good stuff and well worth trying.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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