Subject: The one food that guarantees weight loss...

The one food that guarantees weight loss...

August 31st, 2020 at 2:58 pm EDT

It's not some fancy artificial garbage food with weird chemicals in it... It's not's not rice cakes... And it's not oat bran or some exotic fruit extract from the Amazon. It's a food that's been around for mill ...

The best core exercise for punching harder...

August 30th, 2020 at 6:23 pm EDT

For real... Here's what it looks like... And yes, it looks exactly like I'm cross-country skiing while holding onto ...

SCORCH stubborn bodyfat right off yourself with this workout...

August 29th, 2020 at 3:12 pm EDT

In a good way, of course... ;) Basically, though, if you want to burn fat (and build muscle!), do Lactic Acid Training...simple as that. Lactic Acid Training is essentially what it sounds for the purpose of cranking ...

Pass over/under Bulgarian Split Squats...BURNS

August 28th, 2020 at 2:55 pm EDT

This one will BURN. I call it Pass Over/Under Bulgarian Split Squats and this one just hammers the quads, glutes and upper hamstrings like crazy... You will need a kettlebell to do it, and something to set your back foot on. The for ...

Back pain...are you accidentally making yours worse?

August 28th, 2020 at 1:54 pm EDT

And the crazy thing is, it's something that SEEMS like it should be making it better. That thing is stretching. Do NOT stretch if you have back pain... ...because it seriously could actually make it WORSE. If you'v ...

Do NOT stretch if you have back pain...

August 27th, 2020 at 4:03 pm EDT could actually make it WORSE. If you've been suffering from chronic back pain for months or even years, chances are you ve been making a common mistake that SEEMS like it should be the right thing to do... And that's stretching. ...

The CURE for a "collapsing core" Front Squat...

August 26th, 2020 at 1:45 pm EDT

If you're reading this then I don't need to tell you what a great exercise the Front Squat is. And if you're always looking to improve your technique, you're going to love this trick. This trick is designed to help improve your form ...

50% off Kasandrinos Olive Oil (plus cash back!)

August 25th, 2020 at 3:37 pm EDT

The VAST majority of store-bought olive oil is total garbage, with other random, cheap oils and other contaminants dumped in to stretch the olive oil. What you're getting is something that resembles olive oil...and tastes sort of like olive oil ...

Olive oil is NOT good for you...and I'll tell you why...

August 25th, 2020 at 3:25 pm EDT

Because here's the problem...the VAST majority of store-bought olive oil is total garbage, with other random, cheap oils and other contaminants dumped in to stretch the olive oil. What you're getting is something that resembles olive ...

Build explosiveness while losing fat? It CAN be done...

August 24th, 2020 at 5:24 pm EDT

Explosiveness is one of the first things to go when you do conventional fat-loss get tired and you get SLOW. It does NOT have to be like that! This circuit focuses on training for explosiveness in conjunction with ove ...

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