Subject: Nightmare fuel deadlift workout... try it if you're nuts...

Nightmare fuel deadlift workout... try it if you're nuts...

June 3rd, 2020 at 12:19 pm EDT

This workout is a murderously awesome deadlift workout....I'll tell you that right up front. It's going to fry your spinal erectors and build incredible strength-endurance, while also cranking your metabolism through the roof. ...

208 lbs to 228 lbs in 6 weeks...the INSANE Bulgarian-style program that got me there...

June 2nd, 2020 at 2:21 pm EDT

So yesterday, I talked about how training frequency is truly one of the KEY factors for long-term muscle growth and strength gains. I'll tell you flat out, it's absolutely one of THE biggest secrets that took my own training to the next lev ...

Are you hitting your muscles OFTEN enough for max results?...(the surprising truth)

June 1st, 2020 at 2:08 pm EDT

The answer, for the most part, is NO...and it could be what's holding you back BIG TIME in muscle and strength gains. One of the things I was lucky enough to learn very early on in my training career is that the more frequently you can hit ...

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