Subject: Squatting Dumbbell Side-to-Sides... KILLER core exercise...

Squatting Dumbbell Side-to-Sides... KILLER core exercise...

April 23rd, 2019 at 3:52 pm EDT

This exercise is going to work two functions of the core at once and VERY strongly...your bracing core strength and your anti-rotational strength. Your legs will be targeted isometrically, maintaining your body position, while you shift a he ...

"I have to buy junk food for the kids..."

April 22nd, 2019 at 5:39 pm EDT

Does this sound familiar? "I buy junk food but it's for the kids..." One of the oldest excuses in the book for keeping junk food in the house (especially sugary snacks) is "it's for the kids." Heck, I use it myself and I do ...

"Cruel and Unusual" - 25 min MetCon deadlift workout

April 21st, 2019 at 11:04 am EDT

I'll tell you right now, it's not going to be easy...nothing worthwhile ever is. And the metabolic boost you get from it is just insane. This one is all about putting in as much work as possible with as much weight as possible in a ...

Love carbs but still want to lose fat?

April 20th, 2019 at 12:04 pm EDT

It CAN be done...and very effectively. Yesterday, I talked about a book called "High-Carb Fat Loss"... I've read through entire thing and wanted to give you my thoughts on it. Overall, I think it's VERY well thought out and ...

HIGH-carb eating for rapid fat-loss?...

April 19th, 2019 at 3:00 pm EDT

Is Keto wrong? This is something VERY different than what you see these days, especially with the popularity of Keto dieting (high fat, low-carb). It's using a high-carb, VERY low-fat approach to dieting. And it's written b ...

Kettlebell swing to goblet squat...great combo exercise

April 18th, 2019 at 6:35 pm EDT

This is a KILLER exercise if you're short on can also use it in place of any cardio machine in the gym. The Kettlebell Swing is a great exercise for the entire posterior chain (the muscles running down the back of the body) ...

Why proper deloading is CRUCIAL for strength and mass...

April 17th, 2019 at 12:34 pm EDT

Yep, it's absolutely CRITICAL to know when to deload if you want to maximize your strength and muscle mass and avoid plateaus. There's a trick to it, though... If you deload (i.e. reduce workload and/or intensity) too soon, you che ...

When you need EASY workouts to build muscle..

April 16th, 2019 at 1:50 pm EDT

It sounds very can an EASY workout build muscle? Honestly, it's something that I've had some experience with over the's not always the workouts that destroy you that build the most muscle, it's the workouts that allo ...

He was better than Arnold....

April 15th, 2019 at 11:18 am EDT

...this is how he did it... The guy I'm talking about is Sergio Oliva...(a.k.a. "The Myth"')... He was a legend in the bodybuilding world and his favorite technique for building incredible mass before the advent of massive ...

Bench with your BACK for bigger numbers...

April 14th, 2019 at 2:08 pm EDT

I'm not going to tell you that you're benching wrong...but you could be doing it more right. And if you're not actively benching with your back, you could easily be leaving PLENTY of poundage on the table. By using this "a ...

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