Subject: Cut your warm-up time with this 30-second "hack"...

Cut your warm-up time with this 30-second "hack"...

January 20th, 2016 at 8:53 pm EDT

This is the method I use as part of just about every warm-up that I do. It takes just a few seconds to complete (literally just 30 seconds), yet can have a BIG effect on the quality of the rest of your training. ...

Cut your warm-up time with this cool 30-second "hack"...

January 20th, 2016 at 8:49 pm EDT

This is the method I use as part of just about every warm-up that I do. It takes just a few seconds to complete (literally just 30 seconds), yet can have a BIG effect on the quality of the rest of your training. ...

One of the most INSANE things I've ever done to lose fat...

January 19th, 2016 at 8:11 pm EDT

Yeah, this was a bit nuts...and craziest thing is, it actually turned out to be VERY effective for me. What was it? Cold water immersion... ...

An amazing "shrink wrap" waist-tightening exercise to try...(very cool stuff)

January 18th, 2016 at 5:27 pm EDT

This combination exercise is literally one of THE best waist-tightening exercises I've EVER found. After completing your first set, you will actually FEEL the muscles in your waist pulling inwards and tightening li ...

Try this "shrink wrap" waist-tightening exercise...(very cool stuff)

January 18th, 2016 at 5:23 pm EDT

This combination exercise is literally one of THE best waist-tightening exercises I've EVER found. After completing your first set, you will actually FEEL the muscles in your waist pulling inwards and tightening ...

This book will change your life...and it's yours FREE...

January 18th, 2016 at 12:10 am EDT

(just need to know where to send it). This is a physical, hard copy book that is PACKED with very simple tips on how to make real, meaningful changes to your life without overhauling your entire existance.. ...

Training secrets of a US Marine fitness instructor...

January 17th, 2016 at 3:46 pm EDT

Hard training, 10 minutes a day, 3 times a week. That's it. Marines don't have time to mass around, after all. Their training has to be effective and it has to be done FAST. ...

4 alimentos que LAVAN tus grasas “atrapadas” (nuevo articulo)

January 17th, 2016 at 3:29 pm EDT

Hola! Esta es la ltima vez que me oir s hablar de esto, pero por la misma raz n es muy importante que prestes atenci n: Mis amigos Dan y Shaun nos llamaron para decirnos que gracias a la gran demanda popular que su program ...

This 10 minute workout builds INCREDIBLE strength/endurance...

January 16th, 2016 at 3:26 pm EDT

WARNING. Not a lot of people are crazy enough, strong enough or determined enough to complete this workout. It's nuts. It's a heavy weight circuit designed to p ...

This workout builds INHUMAN strength/endurance...

January 16th, 2016 at 3:21 pm EDT

WARNING. Not a lot of people are crazy enough, strong enough or determined enough to complete this workout. It's nuts. It's a heavy weight circuit designed to p ...

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