Subject: One of the most INSANE things I've ever done to lose fat...

Yeah, this was a bit nuts...and craziest thing is, it actually turned out to be VERY effective for me.

What was it?

Cold water immersion...

And yes, it IS exactly what you think it is...sitting in a tub of stupidly cold water while you shiver.

As crazy as it sounds, it WORKED.

Now, I don't necessarily recommend you do it the way I did it...I lived in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada at the time, and I did it in the middle of winter to also build up my cold tolerance.

I would fill up the tub with cold water...and mind you, this is water that has been running through some BITTERLY cold pipes in the water system there...was probably about 40 degrees or so, if I had to guess.

Then I would get in and just sit in the tub until I started shivering uncontrollably. I started with 5 minutes in the tub and gradually built up to 30 minutes over a few weeks. I'll tell you right now, the first time you do it is the WORST...though it does get easier as your body builds up the tolerance for it.

This shivering sets off a slew of very powerful processes in the body.

The most important is that it's thermogenic, which means your body has to generate heat to not get hypothermic...and this shivering is fueled by "brown" fat, which also accesses "white" fat (the stuff you want to get rid of) to assist.

I found it to be EXTREMELY effective for targeting stubborn pockets of fat (I was doing fat-loss training and dieting at the time as well and noticed a significant difference over how it usually went for me).

I also built up an INCREDIBLE tolerance to the cold after a few weeks...I could literally sit outside on my balcony in a T-shirt and shorts with the temperature well below freezing and not be cold. My body knew how to generate it's own heat.

Now, as I mentioned, what I did was a little don't have to go these lengths to see the benefits of cold water exposure. Just a few minutes of cold water at the end of your normal shower and you'll see some significant results.

This is Tip #12 from my man Tyler Bramlett's new book, 27 Body Transformation Habits You Can't Ignore, that he's giving away for FREE (+6.95 s&h).

Totally worth grabbing a copy of.

Inside you'll learn cool tricks like:

- The 45-Second “Shower Trick” That Ignites Your Metabolism And Improves Sleep, Depression And Your Hormones!

- Why You Should NEVER Sleep For 8-Hours And The Best Way To Burn Fat While Sleeping!

- A Coffee “Hack” You Can Use In The Morning To Dramatically Reduce Your Appetite, Give You More Energy And Put Your Body In All Day Fat Burning Mode!

- How To Eat Doughnuts, Pizza, Ice Cream And All Of The Other “Forbidden Foods” Without Storing ANY As Body Fat!

- Why Cell Phones Could Be Causing You To GAIN WEIGHT And The 15-Second “Earthing” Fix You Can Use To Stop It!

- The 5-Minute “Breathing Trick” You Can Do While Sitting That Reduces The Stress Hormone Cortisol And Boosts Your Energy, Fat Loss And Mood!


This is simple stuff that anybody can that (ironically enough) won't make you change your life...yet will change your life.

Grab your copy here....(supply is limited...half are gone already...and these will go fast)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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