Subject: 4 exercises to FIX your narrow shoulders...

4 exercises to FIX your narrow shoulders...

September 2nd, 2014 at 7:11 pm EDT

Listen, I understand EXACTLY how you feel... ... trust me, I'm not genetically gifted whatsoever in the shoulder department. I was blessed with an ectomorph bodytype with naturally narrow shoulders ;). In fact, I would go a ...

Is your body "fat stupid"?...(I'm being serious)

September 1st, 2014 at 7:40 pm EDT

Here's the problem...your eating and exercise patterns have made you a sugar burner ... In fact, if you've hit a long-term plateau in your fat-loss efforts, it's likely because your body is fat stupid simply doesn't KNOW how to burn bodyfat ...

Reprogram your body to burn FAT (not sugars and carbs)

September 1st, 2014 at 9:52 am EDT

Here's the problem...your eating and exercise patterns have made you a sugar burner ... In fact, if you've hit a long-term plateau in your fat-loss efforts, it's likely because your body is fat stupid simply doesn't KNOW how to burn bodyfat ...

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