Subject: Bodyweight exercise that will fire up your chest like crazy...

Bodyweight exercise that will fire up your chest like crazy...

July 2nd, 2023 at 2:46 pm EDT

This unqiue version of the push-up is going to focus on achieving a MASSIVE peak contraction of the pecs, similar to a pec deck machine or cable-crossover exercise only using just a bench. Now, even though the exercise LOOKS like a regular pu ...

My weirdest trick for unlocking stubborn fat...

July 1st, 2023 at 1:31 pm EDT

This method is going to sound a but nuts...but it actually works GREAT. Now, fair warning, once you get your fat cells to release the fat, you still have to BURN those free fatty acids...otherwise they'll just get taken back up into the fat c ...

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