Subject: How To Recognize Toxic Students In Your Dojo...

How To Recognize Toxic Students In Your Dojo...

November 21st, 2016 at 12:12 pm CDT

Friend, I hate to start off the week when we celebrate gratitude by talking about toxic students. I'd rather talk about how thankful we should be that we have students (we should) and about all the things we should be doing to show that (which I hope ...

Friday Randomness... Japan Edition!

November 18th, 2016 at 6:08 am CDT

Friend, Since I was a teenage kid, I've been intrigued by Japanese culture. I'm not as much of a Japanophile as I used to be, but I still find the contrast between the zany quirkiness found in Japanese pop culture and the staid rigidity of tradition ...

Building Your Dojo's Brand...

November 17th, 2016 at 6:46 am CDT

Friend, "Brand" is a word and concept that is tossed around a lot in the business world. It's a topic I often return to, because it confuses so many martial art school owners and small business owners. You'll often hear people talk about "building yo ...

Important Announcement for MAbizU Members!

November 16th, 2016 at 10:54 am CDT

Friend, If you're getting this email, it's because you're a current or past member of, and I want to let you know about this special offer... Since it began, Martial Arts Business U has been the best value in a martial arts business coachi ...

Are Your Martial Arts Students Your Property?

November 16th, 2016 at 6:04 am CDT

Friend, I'm sure you've seen those retro t-shirts that say, "Property of Such-and-Such Athletic Department." I've even seen some schools adopt that design for their own shirts. "Property of Such-and-Such Martial Arts." Students love that stuff, and I ...

The Hard Truth About Being A Struggling Dojo Owner...

November 15th, 2016 at 5:48 am CDT

Friend, The hardest thing to hear when your business is struggling is that it's your fault. I know it was hard for me to hear, back when the Great Recession hit. But it was the truth. And I didn't need anyone to tell me that -- I was looking in the m ...

Are You A Sell Out If You Make A Living Teaching Martial Arts?

November 14th, 2016 at 10:47 am CDT

Friend, So, if you make a living teaching martial arts, are you a sell out? According to some of the people who have emailed me over the last year, you are. By their logic, if you make good money teaching martial arts, then you must have lowered your ...

Veteran's Day, and a Great Indie Martial Arts Flick...

November 11th, 2016 at 6:58 am CDT

Friend, It's Veteran's Day here in the U.S., and Remembrance Day in Canada. So, to all who served, thank you for your service. Now, I know that normally I send you interesting, funny, or crazy video clips on Fridays. But today, I thought I'd do somet ...

Why You Need To Keep Marketing Your Dojo In Nov & Dec...

November 10th, 2016 at 5:08 am CDT

Friend, So this week in the newsletter we've been talking about how to keep your profits up over the holidays. Now, today I'm sending you a link to an article that explains why you need to keep marketing all year long... ...including during those mon ...

In Case The Election Distracted You From The Dojo...

November 9th, 2016 at 6:45 am CDT

Friend, Hey folks, get any sleep last night? Me neither. And if you were too distracted yesterday to read the article I linked in my email, or you're too tired today to play catch up, don't sweat it. I got you covered. Here's a link to the podcast ve ...