Subject: How to REALLY do Incline Curls to mass up your biceps FAST...

How to REALLY do Incline Curls to mass up your biceps FAST...

February 11th, 2014 at 5:58 pm EDT

The Incline Dumbbell Curl is one of THE most effective bicep-building exercises you can do. It puts a great stretch on the biceps at the bottom and is a key exercise for major muscle growth in the arms... ...

How to get HARD COPY versions of ANY of my books...

February 10th, 2014 at 4:31 pm EDT you prefer a physical BOOK that you can actually hold in your hands and read? A book that you can bring to the gym and not have to worry about dropping on the floor or running out of battery ...

NEW book to promote...The Best Combat Athlete Exercises

February 9th, 2014 at 5:46 pm EDT

Hello! Time for another affiliate update! Got a couple of things to keep you posted on here. 1. NEW BOOK! The Best Combat Athlete Exercises You've Never Hear ...

Los 3 GRANDES problemas de dieta que MATARÁN a su pérdida de grasa

February 9th, 2014 at 1:32 pm EDT

De: Nick Nilsson Autor de Los Mejores Ejercicios de los que Ha o do Jam s y Oleada Metab lica - R pida P rdida de Grasa As que ha llegado a una meseta de p rdida de grasa... Se est pr cticamente matando de hambre, est haciendo ej ...

5 new MMA-style exercises that ANYONE can use to get leaner, stronger, faster...

February 8th, 2014 at 4:50 pm EDT

It doesn't matter if you NEVER set foot in a ring, fighter training will get you leaner, stronger, faster, better conditioned and more confident in yourself. This style of training is really not just ...

5 new MMA exercises that ANYONE can use to get leaner, stronger, faster...

February 8th, 2014 at 4:46 pm EDT

It doesn't matter if you NEVER set foot in a ring, fighter training will get you leaner, stronger, faster, better conditioned and more confident in yourself. This style of training is really not just ...

7 anti-aging foods that everyone over 40 should eat...

February 8th, 2014 at 7:32 am EDT

If you're over 40 like me...(just turned last October!), it's time to start paying closer attention to what you eat. Your body is not as forgiving once you hit that magic number! So with that in mind, I've g ...

Do you train for MMA, martial arts or combat of any kind? Read this...

February 7th, 2014 at 4:18 pm EDT

So let's face it...if you're training for a combat sport or discipline like MMA, wrestling, or martial arts, etc., you don't bust your tail in the gym every day to look pretty... You want power...explosive, ...

If you train for MMA, martial arts or combat of any this...

February 7th, 2014 at 4:14 pm EDT

So let's face it...if you're training for a combat sport or discipline like MMA, wrestling, or martial arts, etc., you don't bust your tail in the gym every day to look pretty... You want power...explosive, ...

GREAT time-saving exercise...legs, core AND shoulders in one...

February 6th, 2014 at 3:23 pm EDT

This exercise is a powerful one...time-efficient training at it's best! It's going to work your lower body, core and some of your upper body all in one shot. It's real functional training that actually isn't useless. It's also excellent for metaboli ...