Subject: 4 Simple steps to well-being amidst chaos, Friend 💝 helpful article inside...

4 Simple steps to well-being amidst chaos, Friend 💝 helpful article inside...

April 28th, 2022 at 2:49 pm PDT

If you're feeling like you want to stand on a mountaintop and yell, What the heck is going on with the world? lately Friend, I'm up for the hike and I'll go with you! 😎 Truth is, having worked with energy for decades, it's pretty obvious to me tha ...

What if what sounds too good to be true is still possible, Friend? 🤗 + podcast for you

April 3rd, 2022 at 2:58 pm PDT

Hi Friend, Kelly here with a too good to be true TRUE story (and a podcast interview to share it with you). 😊 Do you realize there are positive ways to handle some of the scariest things you'll ever experience in your lifetime? It's true. And it's ...