Subject: Happy Valentine's Day, Friend... enjoy this purple heart-hug story 💜

Happy Valentine's Day, Friend... enjoy this purple heart-hug story 💜

February 14th, 2023 at 2:58 pm PDT

Happy Valentine's Day, Friend! 💖I appreciate you. Everything in your life is part of your journey to who you were created to be. Take a deep, full breath and take in all your blessings. They are YOURS. 🤗 (Pssst... read the story of this little ...

Shocking true client story with a powerful message for you, Friend 💖

February 1st, 2023 at 3:49 pm PDT

January can be chaotic with self-promises, resolutions, pressure to be better or different or thinner, to exercise more, to put yourself out there for more business, friends or dates... Yikes! (insert big, deep breath here) Friend, grab the lessons y ...