Subject: What if what sounds too good to be true is still possible, Friend? 🤗 + podcast for you

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Hi Friend, Kelly here with a too good to be true TRUE story (and a podcast interview to share it with you). 😊

Do you realize there are positive ways to handle some of the scariest things you'll ever experience in your lifetime? It's true. And it's doable.

Women (and men) struggle with and suffer from domestic violence long after it's over. The lies, betrayal, broken trust, fear, anger, depression, not good enough, self-blame... 😔

It's common for it to negatively affect survivors for the rest of their lives... even attract more due to a victim-belief that predators can see a mile away!

What I did to heal from 2 1/2 years of rape and domestic violence took 1 hour and it hasn't bothered me since it ended - over THREE decades ago.

And that's the story that sounds too good to be true but IS true.

Each woman may need or is comfortable with a different method of healing or recovering or stepping into their power than someone else. 🤔

My friend Angeline with Let's Break The Silence has wonderful, vibrant energy in showcasing various methods so her audience can make confident decisions about which one feels right for them.

I am truly honored she interviewed me to share my method and what I do in Positive Women Rock as one of those options. 🥰

So, if you or someone you know needs a positive boost around this negative topic, or feel there's no hope of living without the fear, betrayal and memories, here ya go...

Listen to our energetic and positive podcast episode HERE.

You Rock!


P.S. YOU deserve to be a success story, Friend! 🤗

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

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