Subject: Recognizing your value pulls the right people in and sends the wrong ones packing, Friend 😊

Recognizing your value pulls the right people in and sends the wrong ones packing, Friend 😊

November 17th, 2023 at 2:00 pm PDT

I've learned from personal experience and through talking with women that recognizing our value is a pretty big struggle for most of us. 😕 And when we finally do truly recognize and FEEL our value, EVERYTHING changes...those who didn't value us le ...

How I manifested my dream car then manifested it getting damaged, Friend 🙃

November 9th, 2023 at 3:29 pm PDT

Manifesting is bringing something into existence through focus on it + belief it can or is happening. Obviously, Friend, we do this all the time whether we mean to or not. 🤨 We have 60,000 thoughts every day. Those are wrapped in emotion, a lot of ...