Stuttering Dissolution Online Academy

Stuttering Dissolution

Newsletter Archive

Helping you to remove the obstacle of stuttering out of your way so you can live a fully expressive, confident, successful and fulfilled life.

How to manage PANIC&STRESS in your speech (use this next time you speak)

November 10th, 2016 at 6:36 pm EEST

Hey Friend, I was 8 years old. My mom picked me up from school. She was driving her old red car and I was sitting in the back chatting with her. She asked: "How did your day go Chazzler?" I started to share the details... She was looking at me in t ...

Stuttering is NOT just a speech problem! Here's why...

November 8th, 2016 at 5:37 pm EEST

Yes Friend, I don't think stuttering is JUST a speech problem. Here is what I mean by that... Which one comes to your mind when you think about stuttering? The physical struggle like speech blocks OR the emotional pain we go through as a result of th ...