Stuttering is NOT just a speech problem! Here's why...

November 8th, 2016 at 5:37 pm EEST
Yes Friend, I don't think stuttering is JUST a  speech problem.

Here is what I mean by that...

Which one comes to your mind when you think about stuttering?

The physical struggle like speech blocks OR the emotional pain we go through as a result of that physical struggle?

Like feeling...fearful, stressed, ashamed, frustrated, less than others, etc.

In my case, even though I had severe speech blocks from time to time, it was still the "emotional battle" I had to go through... even when I wasn't speaking. 

It was a constant stress on every aspect of my life...from personal life to career to relationships. 

That's why stuttering is NOT just a speech problem, it's a problem which affects ALL areas of our life(even when we are not speaking).

Think about how we mostly make our choices in life(e.g career choices, friends we hang out with, etc) and you'll see what I mean...

Stuttering sits in the heart of our LIFE and it drives most of our choices. May be not all, but most.

Yes, physical struggle is painful too, but there is an inner game which is being played continuously INSIDE us that is a lot more painful(and destructive).

And since stuttering is not just a speech problem, I don't think we can solve this problem and overcome our stuttering challenge in life JUST on the physical speech level.

We HAVE TO address the inner aspect of it as our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, etc.

Most people concentrate only on the physical speech side of things, which is a huge mistake. In fact, I believe inner game is the bigger part of the puzzle!

That's why in the upcoming days, I am going to send you emails addressing that aspect of stuttering and how you can use your "inner game" to improve your speech to a great level... and eventually overcome your stuttering challenge, so that you can live a fully expressive, confident and successful life. 

Why do I say that?

Because in the past 15 years I've been working with people who has a stuttering challenge in life; I know we as PWS(people who stutter) have big dreams, a huge heart and a great potential to succeed in all areas of life.

I believe in PWS. Yes, YOU included!

We just have to get ourselves out there to show our true potential which is hidden in us...but in order to do that, we have to remove the obstacle of stuttering out of our way first.

That's not impossible... as long as you understand the core of what stuttering really is and you take necessary actions to improve and eventually dissolve it.

There are hundreds(if not thousands) of people out there who have done that.

I don't mean "cure" stuttering in 10 minutes, but overcome stuttering the RIGHT way!

If you understand the core of stuttering really well and work on the right things, that's not an impossible goal.

In fact, it might be easier than you think. Because most of us(me included) love to complicate things in life:)

We'll talk more about that in a few days(don't miss it).

...but first;

I'll talk to you again in a few days, Friend.

All the best,

P.S: Does your story sound like mine? Read it by clicking here and let me know. It's directly taken from my SDMP program. Can you believe that my life was saved by another PWS in an unintentional way? Yes, totally true story. You can read it by clicking here or the green button below.

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