Subject: Supercharge Your Growth: 🚀🌱 These will help you today

Supercharge Your Growth: 🚀🌱 These will help you today

October 24th, 2023 at 12:15 pm BST

Hello again! It's Karl with more ways to improve your life and be happier. Focus I couldn't start this week's message without first mentioning the terrible things we see happening in the world. This has always been the case. I'm not going to say anyt ...

Exciting News: I've Returned! Here's What It Means for You 🎉

October 17th, 2023 at 10:19 am BST

Hello! I'm back after almost one month... Why I've Been Away I went back home to the UK to visit my father and mother. My father, unfortunately, is in a home being cared for as he has Alzheimer's. What a terrible disease! It's a horrible and shocking ...

I'm back, and better than ever!🌟

October 14th, 2023 at 2:04 pm BST

Hello! I'm back after almost one month... Why I've Been Away I went back home to the UK to visit my father and mother. My father unfortunately, is in a home being cared for as he has Alzheimer's. What a terrible disease! It's a horrible and shocking ...

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