Subject: Have you tried oil pulling?

Hi Friend,

Have you heard of oil pulling? It may seem new to the scene of health and wellness, but it’s been around for centuries. It’s an Ayurvedic technique that was used over 5,000 years ago to prevent tooth decay, plaques, and infections, and predates tooth brushing. According to Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling can heal over 30 systemic diseases including arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and migraines.


Here are some of the benefits:


·         Can clear sinuses

·         Reduce headaches

·         Inhibits bacteria that cause bad breath, cavities, and gingivitis

·         Reduces plaque

·         Clears toxins from the body


The process is simple:


·         Use 1 tablespoon of high quality, edible oil like coconut, sesame, olive, or sunflower

·         Swish in your mouth (side to side and between the teeth)

·         Start with five minutes and gradually work up to 15 minutes as you get used to it

·         Spit the oil out in the trash (do not swallow)


Oil pulling is done best before brushing your teeth.


Here’s how it works: As you swish the oil around in your mouth, salivary enzymes are activated that release chemical, bacterial and environmental toxins. The toxins are “pulled” into the oil and out of your body. Brush your teeth as normal when you’re done.


Remember to spit the oil out in the trash to avoid ingesting the toxins. It’s also best not to spit it in the sink to avoid possible clogs.


Let us know if oil pulling is part of your self-care routine or if you plan to give it a try!

Wishing you well,

(Source: Primal Life Organics)