Subject: Are you a Mary or a Martha?

Hi Friend,

Do you try to figure out and fix every little thing? I know I do. If there’s a problem, I’m on it. If something needs to be done, I’ll do it. If I don’t know how, I’ll figure it out. I want everything to run smoothly and everyone’s life to be happy and filled with ease.


Being a problem solver isn’t a bad thing, but it can be exhausting when taken to the extreme.


At this time of year as I prepare to celebrate Easter, I’m reminded of the story of Martha and Mary. Martha was scurrying around trying to make everything perfect. She was seeing to everyone’s needs, refilling drink orders, cooking, setting the table and anything else that needed to be done.


When she notices her sister Mary isn’t doing a thing, she gets a bit angry and frustrated. While she’s focused on getting things done, Mary is sitting on the floor chillin’ at Jesus’s feet absorbing all his wisdom.  If you’ve heard this story, you know that Jesus kindly tells Martha that Mary has chosen the right thing to do. To be present. To spend time with him.

Slowing down is critical to re-centering ourselves.

Stopping for a while works even better.


Are you a Mary or a Martha? Do you find time throughout your busy day to stop and take in the world around you? To actively listen when someone else is speaking. Have you noticed the flowers that are starting to pop after a long winter’s rest? They come back year after year. They don’t toil through the winter months thinking they won’t bloom if they don’t. There’s a rhythm in the natural world that we’re a part of. If only we’d pay attention.


As we enter Holy Week, I encourage you to take time to quiet your mind, stop all the doing for a few minutes and follow Mary’s lead.


Breathe. Be still. Listen.

Wishing you well,