Subject: Workout "add ons" to INJURY-PROOF every part of your body...


Getting injured stinks... it not only brings your progress to a screeching halt, it can set you back weeks, months or even YEARS in your training.

And injuries can happen even when it seems like you're doing everything right.

Heck, at 50 years old, I can put more than a thousand pounds on my back no problem yet one of the worst injuries I ever got was from stretching.

It's insane.


So...what if there was a way to train your body, with simple workout "add ons" to PREVENT those stupid injuries.

There IS.

And it's a gamechanger.

It comes in the form of workout "add ons" that you do in addition to your regular training, taking just a couple of minutes at a time.

They're just like a workout finisher but specifically target injury prevention (or rehab, if you need that) by strengthening the joints through unique movements and exercises.

(you can do them added on to your workout or at other times during the day, just FYI)

Some of these are derived from martial arts training...some use the same concepts as body tempering... some are just plain weird, but effective exercises like the kind you get from me :).

These workout "add ons" cover...

  • Elbows, wrists and fingers
  • Feet and ankles
  • Hips and knees
  • Shoulders
  • Spine and neck


The full manual, called "Indestructible Body", was put together by my brother from another mother, Logan Christopher.

Logan is a guy who walks the walk.

Some of the strongman feats of strength he's done just blow my mind (like pulling a fire truck with his hair, for example).

I've known Logan personally for at least 15+ years and I've always been been super impressed with the quality of info he puts out.

Like me, he doesn't do fluff in his programs. It's all meat... it's all effective... and everything has been tested by him.


This stuff is GOLD and with that in mind, I got him to do a 40% discount on the Indestructible Body manual for you for a limited time.

Use coupon code MADSCIENTIST40 at checkout and you'll get that 40% off.

I've gotta be honest, I love stuff like this.

I'm always in awe of how the human body can be trained and improved with targeted exercise and targeted "stressors."

This is the kind of training that can make a HUGE impact on your training and your life by "injury proofing" your body and helping you come back stronger from injuries you might have already experienced.

Grab your copy of the Indestructible Body system for 40% off here now!

(use code MADSCIENTIST40)


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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