Subject: INSANE way to get a bigger bench press and squat fast... (it works)

I've tested this out and it really does work...I noticed a jump in my bench press the very next week.

If you're familiar with the concept of weight releasers, where you hang extra weight from the bar for a heavy negative, then release it at the bottom, then power out of the bottom, this is the opposite.

Instead of using weight releasers to REMOVE weight out of the bottom and come up with a lighter weight, we're going to strategically use bands to INCREASE weight in the bottom, resulting in massive muscle activation and power building out of the bottom.

This method will build serious explosive power out of the bottom of the bench press, training your body to be able to lift more weight by activating more motor units and muscle fibers all at once.

This is how to do Weight Increaser Bench Press...


In addition, it's CRAZY how well it works for building power out of the bottom of the squat.

This one just LIT UP my quads...I could feel every muscle fiber in my legs activating on every rep.

Check it out here...Weight Increaser Band Squats.

Weight Increaser Band Squats Power Up


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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