Subject: How to use overtraining to build muscle and strength...(not kidding-it works)

Overtraining is NOT evil. In fact, overtraining can be exactly what you
need to achieve continuous and rapid results in your training!

Now, the past couple of days, I've brought you an article from my
friend Hugo Rivera (author of the Body Re-Engineering System for
muscle and fat-loss).

Today, I want to contribute something of my own to the discussion...


Here's why it's relevant to Hugo's program...he USES overtraining in
the program, just like I use it my programs, to FORCE your body to
build muscle.

So first, what is overtraining?

Overtraining is, most simply, training too much. Your body is unable
to recover from the volume or frequency of training and begins to
break down. You not only lose motivation to train, you become
more susceptible to injury and illness, and you may even start to
go backwards in your training, getting smaller and weaker on almost
a daily basis.

So how can overtraining possibly be good for you?

I'll tell you.

It all begins with the incredible adaptive power of your body. As
you become more advanced in weight training, you will generally
notice that you cannot make consistent gains for a long period
of time on one training system. Your body quickly adapts to
whatever training system you're using and hits a plateau. To get
around this, it's usually recommended that you change your
program every three to six weeks.

The question now is how to use this adaptive ability to your advantage.

It's really quite simple. You gradually build up to a state of
temporary overtraining, then, when you're overtrained and your
adaptive processes are working to their fullest capacity for
recovery, you back off. This backing off results in what is called

Imagine you're driving a car and climbing a hill with the gas pedal
to the floor. You're giving it everything you've got but you're still
going up slowly. This is similar to overtraining. When you reach
the top, the going gets a lot easier. If you keep the gas pedal on
the floor when you go over the top and head down, you're going
to go a lot faster very quickly. This is overcompensation and this
is where the results are.

On a normal program, you work a bodypart, it becomes
temporarily weaker, then becomes stronger as it overcompensates
so you can lift more next time. What a normal program does on
a small, local basis, this overtraining program does on a full body,
systemic basis.

Sound good? We're not done. Now we're going to harness the
power of overtraining by using what I call "Controlled

Here's a general outline of how I use it...

The overtraining or ramping phase of Controlled Overtraining
lasts three weeks, which is about the time it takes the body to
adapt to a training program. It then backs off to a fairly easy
phase for three weeks.

While you're increasing the volume (e.g. doing 3 sets for each
bodypart the first week, then 4 sets the next week, then 5 sets
the third week), you're simultaneously decreasing the rest periods
(e.g. 90 seconds, 60 seconds, 45 seconds). This gradually builds
you up to a state of overtraining.

Once you've hit that point, it's time to flip the switch.

For the next three weeks, you decrease the sets (3 per bodypart)
and reps and increase the rest periods (2 minutes). This allows
you to recover from the overtraining and take advantage of the
overcompensation that occurs when the body is still working at
dealing with the hard work and then you cut the hard work.
Though it may feel like you're hardly doing anything at all, you
should see some GREAT results, especially in strength.

As you can see, overtraining is not always the horrible thing it's
often made out to be.

Training on the edge is where the REAL results are. Those
who shy away from it will never make as good of progress
as those who embrace it!

————-END OF ARTICLE————–

One last thing...just a quick reminder, Hugo has his Body Re-Engineering
program on sale now for $30 off
. You can read all about on his website.

This is an EXCELLENT program, designed to help you build muscle AND lose literally "re-engineer" your body and transform it FAST.

Click here to check out Body Re-Engingeering now...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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