Subject: KINGDOM UPDATE: "Rising Anew" | PREACH IT with John Michael Talbot | RADIO: "Blessed Through Brokenness" with Guests Dr. Steve Kebe & Tom Kurtz | MESSAGE: "Our Story: Hope for Future Flourishing" by Greg Schlueter
KINGDOM UPDATE: "Rising Anew" | PREACH IT with John Michael Talbot | RADIO: "Blessed Through Brokenness" with Guests Dr. Steve Kebe & Tom Kurtz | MESSAGE: "Our Story: Hope for Future Flourishing" by Greg Schlueter
June 27th, 2023 at 1:29 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctly OUR STORY: HOPE FOR FUTURE FLOURISHING BY GREG SCHLUETER WE ARE GREG STEPHANIE SCHLUETER. Married over 25 years and blessed with six children. In seven years. To answer your brain spas ...
KINGDOM UPDATE: "MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST" | RADIO: "Addelyn's Story" (Jeff & Sue Wehner) | MESSAGE: "A Mother's Love" (Fr. Joseph Campbell) | PREACH IT: "Sacred Heart" (Fr. David Kidd)
June 20th, 2023 at 4:12 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctly A MOTHER'S LOVE GUEST: FR. JOSEPH CAMPBELL There was a couple who was extremely generous. They had eleven children, and the dinner table often had others seated along with them. The ho ...
KINGDOM UPDATE: "Our Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Story" | RADIO: "Becoming A Godly Dad" Nick De La Torre's interview of Greg Schlueter
June 15th, 2023 at 9:45 am EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctly It was a warm Saturday morning fifteen years ago in Erie, Pennsylvania. I was in the back yard armed with clippers. Steph was gone. Our six children were playing. One higher branch was ...
KINGDOM UPDATE: "Our Extreme Makeover Home Edition Story" | RADIO: "Becoming A Godly Dad" Nick De La Torre's interview of Greg Schlueter
June 13th, 2023 at 5:16 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctly It was a warm Saturday morning fifteen years ago in Erie, Pennsylvania. I was in the back yard armed with clippers. Steph was gone. Our six children were playing. One higher branch was ...
KINGDOM UPDATE: "REAL PRESENCE" | RADIO: "Pilgrimage into the Heart of the Gospel" with Jeff Barefoot
June 6th, 2023 at 6:00 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctly REAL PRESENCE Real World. Real Mission. Such an amazing "corridor of grace" we are in right now! Between the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity and Corpus Christi this Sunday! Jesus Christ ...
A Great Story for this Solemnity of the Holy Trinity!
June 3rd, 2023 at 8:54 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctly A Great Story In the doctor's office a woman recognized Stephanie from an event we did many moons ago. At our mini-parish missions we circle up families and lead a blend of fun interac ...