Subject: Training Program Ready

Hi Friend

I've set up a training account for you in our Members' Area, and planned out the first few weeks of your training.

First goal is to have your running 3 times a week, consistently for 4 weeks. I've not advanced the duration of each individual run too quickly. Simply doing 3 runs a week is increasing your mileage enough. The easiest way to get injured is to do too much too soon, which is something I prefer my runners to avoid 😊

This training plan may change up a bit. Make sure you give me feedback on how things are feeling so I know whether to adjust your training up or down.

I have included a little bit of faster running in the last 2 weeks of this four week block. You will have a recovery week at the end of this block, and after that I plan to include an extra run, extend the duration of your long run, and include a faster session. - Not all at once.

Do you have much hilly terrain around your way? It would be good to get some running in over hilly terrain if at all possible, but, if not, we can improvise!

Training App Access

You will need to log in to the Members' Area of our website to view your training program, or you can download our training app to your phone. We use the Training Tilt platform, so you will need to search on Training Tilt in your app store.

Your login details for the Hooked on Running members area are:


Password:  CKresults2023

When copying and pasting your password, be careful you don't include any spaces. 

When you have a chance, take a look around the members' area where there are articles and other resources for you.  Use the "getting started" category in the Articles section to view instruction videos. 

I have set you up to receive email notifications of your next 2 days' workouts between 5pm and 6pm every day. 

Facebook Group

You should also join our Facebook Group. It's a closed group, available only to Hooked on Running Online Coaching Members. The Hooked on Running coaches will be regularly active in the group, and you can gain lots of insight from other runners, plus share your own triumphs!

Recording Your Training

You can sync your training device with your Hooked on Running training plan. You will need to do so via the Strava App. It'll will take about 2 minutes.

  • Log into your account (from a laptop/desktop is easiest) If on a phone, you may need to go to the option at the bottom of the menu which will take you to the web version of the app

  • On the top right of the screen, click on the drop down box beside your name.

  • Click on Settings

  • Scroll down to connections, and connect to Strava

Please get in touch if you need any help at all. The more information I have about your training, the better I can help you. If you need attention quickly, it is best to send me an email directly. Otherwise, record comments about individual workouts inside the training app. I check out how your training is going a couple of times a week, and will see the comments then.




Kirsten Todd
0423 191 854