Subject: Train with Me!

Hi Friend,

Happy Sunday to you!

First Things First!

Use this workout if you're training on Monday!

I shot a video of me doing A#4, so you'll see me sweat alongside you, while I ask you questions and coach you up.


The reason there's a follow along workout is because I will not be available on Monday. I may not be available this coming week either. Actually, let's assume I'm not available, so you can plan accordingly. I know you'll understand AND I know your courtesy can go only so far, so I'm going to try to support you during this time and make it up to you afterwards.


The first thing I'm going to work towards is providing you with a fresh follow along workout to follow. My night people who prefer in person training, I'm sorry that I can't provide that right now. I will make up everything I miss so if you'll make lemonade with me and do these follow along workouts at home, you'll both get to keep your momentum and then you'll get "extra" time later when I make up the missed workouts. A compounded win for you.


The thing with follow along workouts is I can't coach up your exercise technique in real time. That's why you choose me vs. a class at a gym, or P90X or Beach Body or Peleton, or Apple Fitness, etc... Those are all just classes you follow, where as I demonstrate, teach and coach up your technique. Plus you're an individual, so I know your story from the beginning and we add to it each time we interact. I won't be able to do that during these follow along workouts.

What I can do is coach up your technique if you send me a video of it. If you're unsure if you're doing an exercise correctly, you can send me a video of it, and I'll reply and coach you up there. If it was a normal week, we could FaceTime or zoom, in real time and I could coach you up right away. This is a good option, not the best, but a very good option to have to help you feel safe, cared for and make sure you're doing movements correctly.


Here's what I can also do. During the video I'm going to ask you:

  • how you feel,

  • did you get all 9 seconds on the right / left / both

  • what your 4 for 4's were,

  • how many rounds you got

  • how do you feel again

  • how many cardio minutes you did

I expect you to text me afterwards and answer these questions. If you choose not to, it's o.k., but remember you do want accountability. You don't want to be anonymous. That's why you don't take random strength classes in the gym. Nobody knows you. I know you or I know as much about you as you've let me know so far. The more you continue to share the more I can support you. Remember I'm your ACE UP YOUR SLEEVE. Use me! Tom Brady had his guy. I'm your guy. You're pretty lucky to have a guy that cares about you and is only a text, email, phone call away who you have regular appointments with. That's an advantage, but only if you use it.

This week, there may be a delay in my responses, however, know that I have ZERO unresponded to text messages on my phone. I'm responsive. Don't ask me about email. Covid buried my inbox and I'm still trying to dig out of that mess.

Make Ups

So far there are:

  • (2) 6am and 9am workout (W, 5/1 and F, 5/3)

  • (1) 6:30p.m. workout (Th, 5/2)

If I miss this week that'll be a full week to make up.

  • (1) full week (week of 5/5 to 5/9)

Looking at the schedule, here's where I can make these up. I recognize the value of the timing (summer schedule vs. spring schedule) isn't the same, but it's the best I can do.

  • 6:30pm, Memorial Day, Monday, 5/27 @ Mackenzie Center (make up for Th, 5/2)

  • 6:30pm, Monday, 6/3 @ Mackenzie Center (make up for 5/30; gym unavailable)

  • 6am and 9am, Monday, July 5 @ Virtual (make up for W, 5/1)

  • T, 7/9 to F, 7/12, Summer Break #1 (make up for week of 5/5 to 5/9, part 1/2)

    • 6:30pm, T, 7/9 @ Mackenzie

    • 6am and 9am, W, 7/10 @ Virtual

    • 6:30pm, Th, 7/11 @ Mackenzie

    • 6am and 9am, F, 7/12 @ Mackenzie

  • 6am, 9am and 6:30pm, Labor Day, Monday, 9/2 @ Virtual (make up for week of 5/5 to 5/9, part 2/2)

  • 6am & 9am only, not 6:30pm, Indigenous People's Day, 10/14 @ Virtual (make up for F, 5/3)

That should cover it. It'll provide a long stretch of continuous training over the summer (11 weeks straight from 5/13 to 7/26) and availability to train on holidays when you may be off and still desiring to train (Memorial Day, 5th of July, Labor Day and Indigenous People's Day). It's not ideal and may not be a true 1:1 replacement, but it's the best I can do and I hope it'll be good enough for you.

Bizarro World

Vanessa asked me how it was going. I said I was in bizarro world and you'll hear me reference that multiple times when you train along with the video. She asked me if it was like having a newborn baby and I said, it was. Wholly cow. It is very comparable. You're so disoriented, yet grateful. One's a hello and welcome to the world and another a goodbye from this world, but the exhaustion, disrupted schedule, routines and a complete lack of awareness to time and days. There are a lot of lessons, I'm getting from this time, but I'll save them for another day as you have to get to training.


We have a relationship and it's also a business relationship. You've chosen to hire me to deliver a service, an experience and results and I need to live up to my end of the deal, just like you need to live up to your end. I'm messing with my end of the deal, by not being available on our agreed upon schedule. This is really going to test our social capital and really your dependence on training to be your best self for the demands of your day, get the most from your day and recover from your day, while working towards your important goals.

Please, please, please, text, email and/or call me and let me know what you're thinking, how you're feeling and how I can make things better. I want to keep your business and continue to get to coach you. I truly care. There are many things I can do to make a living, but this one is the most fun and rewarding for me and the one I choose to do. I want to keep being your coach and helping you to be more awesome than yesterday and be in the best shape of your life.



p.s. Here's the follow along workout. Here's the p5 zoom recordings folder (follow along is in it).

p.p.s. Cardio minutes are due Monday. We did 22min / workout. Please reply now with your minutes!

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