Subject: Phase 8 Workout Cards

Greetings Friend and welcome back!

How was your week, holiday, training?
How are you?

Phase 8 is the 2nd of our 4 phase quarter and we'll be doing a little more in all areas.  If you've been training, you're ready.  

If you haven't been training, you're in luck because CYBBC was designed to meet you where you are and considered worse case scenarios, so if you feel sluggish, stiff, tight and deconditioned, show up, roll, stretch and go slow.  You'll leave feeling much better than when you arrived.

Those that have been training, you're going to love all the subtle progressions and challenges built into the programming.  It'll be interesting, stimulating, body changing, performance enhancing and lots of fun.

DB Load is 25-45% BW.

Here's the link for the in class workout cards (Medicine Balls, Hurdles, Partners, TRX, Pull Up Bars).

Here's the link for the virtual workout cards (you and your do anywhere equipment).

Attached is also the virtual workout cards.

See you mañana.

Still making lemonade,

Coach Mike

p.s.  what'd you do for cardio minutes for week 3 (18min/class) and last week?

p.p.s. how many strength workouts did you do last week?
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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