Subject: P5, Week 1 Recap and RSVP for Stretch & Sprint!

Hi Friend,

Beautiful Friday to you! I'm tying up loose ends as I prepare to go to Marisa's, mother-in-law's wake, and then head west to visit my parents for the night and to help with chores tomorrow. Lots of mixed emotions, however in my personal experiences the goodbyes are blessed with so many happy memories and reconnecting. I'm so grateful for this extra time with my dad and family.

Cardio Minutes - Week 1

We'll get 22min in week 1 and week 2 and then 23 minutes in week 3. Almost everyone is caught up in reporting. Those that haven't reported, remember that you want and value accountability. Even if your numbers are below your goal or even 0 it's helpful to you when you reflect backwards on what you were able to do during that time in your life, or this is why I have these results based on my efforts in the days, weeks and months before. It's just data. You're still a worthy human no matter what. ;-)

P5, Wk1 Recap

The change process of our quarter is about to pick up steam. What you used for weights and resistance last phase, you'll quickly discover aren't enough to progress you forward this phase.


That means you're ready to level up and upgrade yourself. Your technology is always updating, why can't you.

Upgrade Your Self-Confidence

If you don't have enough weight, resistance and/or toys, order some asap. It's one of the best investments you can make in yourself. It's so powerful how and not stated enough how it'll change your self-confidence, your personality and your life. No B.S.

When I was a skinny high schooler, the last thing I ever thought I'd do is present in front of audiences, but I had to get over that real quick when I worked for the Red Sox, marry my brother to his wife, and open Change Your Body Boot Camps.

There's no way the pre-strength training / weight lifting Mike was going to walk up to a girl he got caught staring at, without knowing what he was going to say, introduce himself, tell her 3 things were going to happen before the night was through and later get to ask her to marry him 6 times, just to be sure.

There's no way I was going to knock on 17 doors and post flyers all around Newton, trying to launch CYBBC.

There's no way I would take a public committee role and speak in front of the state officials and papers.

There's no way I would have pushed back when the developers were taking advantage of us.

Getting stronger changes your body, your movements, your health, your attitude and your life. Embrace it with the excitement of kids going to an unknown place you know will be the best time of their lives and "best day ever".

If you have enough weights, consider getting a stand for your weights. I've been minimalist for close to 20 years, and I recently ordered power block stands for Vanessa and I (his and her weight stands, now isn't that romantic). It makes training even more pleasurable. Try it.

Weekend Workout - Stretch & Sprint!

The weather looks cooperative and hopeful.

7:30-8:30am, Sun, April 28 @

Newton North Track

Elm Rd.

Newton, MA 02460


  • roller

  • mat

  • superband

  • mini band

  • water

  • towel for sweat

  • heart rate monitor (optional)

It looks like the turf has been reserved by Newton Boys Youth Lacrosse so we'll either sprint on the track, the grass field adjacent or the covered parking lot.

Those that have done these love them. The extra stretching and longer warm up makes your body feel good. The sprints paired with heart rate recoveries to 120 bpm, lets you go at your own pace. Plus here are my favorite stretches (in no particular order) that you can do while resting for lower bodies that still feel achy and stiff when you're sprinting.

  • Quad Stretch

  • Crossover Toe Touch L / R

  • Wide Stance Toe Touch L / R

  • Down the Middle, Feet Together Toe Touch / Wide Stance

  • Calf Stretch L / R

  • Calf Raises

  • Hip Cross Behind w/ Arm Overhead Side Bend L / R

  • Lateral Deep Squat R / L

  • Lateral Deep Squat w/ Toe Up R / L

  • Deep Squat, R / L

  • Split Stance Cross Body Shoulder Pull R / L

  • Half Kneel Quad + Hip Flexor Stretch R / L

Stay in Bed for 10 Hours for Recovery and High Performance!

I challenge you to go to bed early tonight and stay in bed until you've been there for 10 hours. Best case you sleep for 10 hours. Worst case, your body rests and you get extra sleep you might not have gotten by staying in bed extra. It's o.k. to use the bathroom. Skip the phone and screens. It's o.k. to read if it'll help you fall back asleep.

That's crazy data right?!?!

If only we knew this when we were teenagers, college kids and young professionals, could we have said, "but mom & dad. the research says I'll perform better, get sick less often, reduce my chances of getting hurt, stay younger longer and increase my chances of sticking in Major League Baseball if I stay in bed for 10 hours".

That's all for today. See you soon.


p.s. please reply to RSVP for the Stretch & Sprint Now!

p.p.s. here's the P5 recordings folder if you want to get a make up workout in this weekend.

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