Subject: P4, Empowerment Week!

Hi Friend,

Quiet Sunday morning to you!

I'm up early to get my 2 (45min) workouts in and my reading before possibly packing up (Vivi's been sick) and heading to visit my parents. Yesterday I got my 10 hours in bed and boy did it feel good (I also got 2 naps, so I guess I was tired and paying off some sleep debt). My FitBit app gave me a green star ❇️, which was a fun surprise.

P4 Empowerment Week!

There are no live workouts from Sat, 4/13 to Sun, 4/21. Here is the phase 4 Zoom Folder if you choose to train this week.

P4 Zoom Folder

If you feel like you have momentum AND you can train this week, #KeepGoing!.

You can do:

  • your regular schedule and the full workouts.

  • your regular schedule and 75% or 50% of the total volume / workout

  • your regular schedule and 1 set / exercise

  • 1 day less than your regular schedule and the full workout

  • 1 day less than your regular schedule and 75% or 50% of the total volume / workout

  • 1 day less than your regular schedule and 1 set / exercise

You could also do:

  • some other strength exercises and routines for novelty, fun and something different

You could take the week off, ... , if you needed it, however consider if you have momentum or not, because if you do, do you really want to break it. If you don't the next workout is the best workout to restart your momentum.

Here is the empowerment week plan to refresh your memory on to do during this week and find fun past workouts you could revisit for novelty.

Cardio Minutes - Week 4

We did 23min / workout last week! Minutes are due Monday. They're always due Monday. Please email or text them to keep you caught up.

Empowerment Week Cardio Goals

  • If you do 1 strength workout, you have your regular 250F/175M cardio goals.

  • If you don't do any strength, your cardio goals change to 360F/250M.

Happy week and happy training to you! See you soon, for phase 5 and continued muscle building!

Make it count,


p.s. here's the phase 4 Zoom folder with workout pdfs, recordings and stretch routines.

p.p.s. here's the Empowerment Week Plan to refresh your memory!

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