Subject: No Party on 1/5/19

Hi Friend!

Did you do your first challenge workout yet?  Let's go.  There are 7 of them and there are varying degrees of time and intensity to match wherever you are.  See attached to save you time searching your email or pull up the pdf online.

Remember, the workouts always start with rolling and stretching if you don't feel great and they gradually ramp up from there.  Do what you can.

There will be no party on 1/5/19.  It feels too rushed.  My heart is pre-occupied and isn't in it.  Pete and Julie L have offered to help me plan and anyone else that's interested you can also be on the "planning board" if you want.  Otherwise, we'll do something fun to celebrate.  I'm thinking an adult night for members and S.O.'s and a family day before school gets out.

Until then, burn & earn!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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