Subject: Mother's Day Challenge Workout has a nice ring to it. Don't you agree?

Great day to you!

Today's our big grocery shopping trip and I'm looking forward to getting some Costco hot dogs.  I love those things.  :-)  And since I had a good week of following the nutrition plan, I moved forward, towards my goals this a.m., and am ready to satisfy some cravings before getting back on track.  How about you?  Any cravings you've suppressed and plan to honor them today or tomorrow.

Workout Cards

Phase 6 is the last phase of testing before the big decision.  Please reply, text or call and let me know:
  • if you love them & why,
  • if you're in different & what would make them better
  • or if you hate them & why.

Here are the 3 options for CYBBC Q2-Q4 Programming.
1.  Stations w/ Workout Cards & Demonstrations during the 1st workouts for A&B only.*
*note:  unless the # of people who don't know the workout outnumbers the people who do, like this phase w/ spring vacation during week 1.
2.  Stations w/o Workout Cards & Demonstrations every workout.
3.  No stations.  In place Team Training.  Demonstrations during rest and in UGIG format.

Benefits vs. Costs
1.  Team Training = Metabolic Strength & Conditioning = High Intensity Interval Training = What Most Gyms and Boutique Boot Camps (Barry's Boot Camp, Orange Theory Fitness) now do.
  • fast, easy, effective
  • what we did in Q1 and all of 2009 & 2010
  • everyone does roughly the same thing at the same time
  • has a ceiling of variety, skill acquisition, benefits & results
  • hard to use toys (MB's, benches, TRX's, Pull Up Bars)
  • hard to do advanced movements (pistols, 1-leg squats, handstand push ups, pull ups, inverted rows)

2.  Stations w/o Workout Cards & Demonstrations every workout.

  • higher ceiling for: results, skill acquisition, variety, toys & advanced movements
  • time consuming b/c of demonstrations while you rest & stand around watching, most especially as the phase progresses or if we use the same exercises over throughout year or if their are rookies.
  • schlep stuff across the gym
  • you become more than just fit; you become more athletic w/ higher levels of performance & greater body composition changes are possible
  • need heavier DB's or Power Blocks
  • metabolism increases/burn more calories at rest, possibly get hungrier b/c you build more muscle
  • better rewards in health, life & performance
  • flow of BC is not fast like the Team Training (aka fast workouts).
  • you can learn how to do pull ups, hands stand push ups & pistol squats

3.  Stations w/ Workout Cards & Demonstrations during the 1st two workouts of the week.

  • much slower pace 1st two workouts
  • might feel like you don't get an awesome workout the 1st two times.  might.
  • up front mental energy cost, especially when you're not awake or tired from a long day
  • schlep stuff across the gym
  • you rest & record, while I coach, choreograph and encourage
  • going to need heavier DB's or Power Blocks b/c you're going to get stronger.
  • going to need to improve your nutrition habits b/c pull ups are a truth teller
  • pace for remainder of phase is like fast workouts, except few people are doing the same thing & most are doing different things.
  • you're really training like an athlete now, so you have to sleep, eat & recovery like one
  • you're really weird to people at gyms and super weird to people who don't exercise
  • you get the athlete head nod of approval, because what you do is very thoughtful, effective & fun
  • the ceiling has risen; you should master body weight moves, improve posture to ideal or near best case; be in the low end of the fitness body comp & for a few, the high end of the athlete body comp and deciding if you want to go to the next level (barbells & true strength training; not metabolic strength training).
  • more awards, PR's, goodwill trips, shopping sprees and feeling like you're getting better
  • this is what I do, what Vanessa does, what my personal training clients do, what I did at Umass, what I did w/ the Red Sox, what I did @ Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning, what I did w/ Pride Sports Performance (a youth -13to18 y/o's- S&C program I co-started in Springfield.
  • it's not easy up front.  it's hard for busy people who spend their evenings & weekends @ kids activities
  • it's tough if you've never been or considered yourself an athlete to think this way
  • it's tough when you don't want to think, you just want to get a good sweat, move around and have fun

Either way, I'm o.k.  I love what I do.  I love getting to coach you.  I don't want to stop coaching you because of this.  I didn't propose this before 2015 because the timing wasn't right for either of us.  You are ready.  This is the logical, next progression in your active lifestyle transformation, at least I think it is.  So reply, text or call and let me know if it does or doesn't and why.

Empowerment Week Plan

No one in the program needs to take a break right now, so let's not talk about unloading and let's talk about peaking for Memorial Day Weekend, 4th of July & Labor Day weekend.

Your workout card has a total of 12 workouts that can be done (6/side). You have 4 weeks to complete them.  You finish 36 workouts in 3-mos or better yet, 48 workouts in 4-mos and you'll have a better idea of what you're made of, what works and what doesn't.  A couple people in the program would benefit from 16 workouts / 4 weeks or 64 / 4-mos, and the people who train 2x/wk should do 8 workouts / 4 weeks for 4-mos straight and see if they're happy with what they've earned.  Some of the 2x/wk people need more than that, and b/c you have the workout cards and exercise library you can do more even if you're schedule or budget doesn't allow you to train with us more frequently.  The 1x/wk people, unless your goal is to just be healthy, which is partially true, but not really b/c you wouldn't have committed to this program b/c health is a given in our program.  You most likely committed because you want more out of yourself and your life and to get more you have to become more and do more and that's the same for me and everyone else who wants more; and that's o.k.  You're most likely training 1x/wk b/c of schedule or budget, so I'd recommend doing 2 strength workouts / week, 8 every 4weeks and 32 in 4mos as a starter.  That'll get you closer to what you've told me you wanted.  Enjoy the process.  It's fun.  Training is fun.  I've never had a bad workout.  Only variations of awesome.

*I don't expect anyone who was away for week 1 due to spring vacation fun, to complete a full workout card, but 9 workouts in 3 weeks or 6 workouts in 3 weeks is a comparable start.

There are new warm ups.  Their the warm ups associated with this phase and made 3rd floor, home friendly.  Let me know if you prefer to use one CW warm up routine for the year like we've always done or to have the warm ups we've used in the phase.

Cardio Minutes - Week 3
Time         Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am    16                16                16                48
9:00am    16                16                16                48
6:30pm    16                16                16                48
Remember if you don't do any CW's your cardio goals are 360F/250M regardless of if you have a WL or FL goal.  Here's the:

Minutes are due Monday.  Be proactive and send them before I ask .  You know the drill.

Nutrition Discussion
1:30-3p, Today, Sat, May 9 @ MC
RSVP by text to 413.218.6607
Please print & bring the nutrition handout & a pencil.

Happy Mother's Day!

This is probably the best, hallmark holiday for it allows everyone to reflect on how much self-less giving mom's do.  Happy Mother's Day to your mom and if she's not with us anymore, I wish you comfort in her memories; and Happy Mother's Day to you if you're a mom.  My mom chose to have me in h.s. and if you can imagine going through your senior year pregnant and what that may have felt like for her, her parents and friends, then you can appreciate how grateful I am for her and her choosing me.  There's no way that was easy.  There was no "easy button".  Mom's rule!  Let Mother's Day Eve begin!

Note:  Just a heads up there are no cards this year.  I ran out of time.  I even had a special promotion w/ gift cards & gift certificates made up, but it just didn't happen.

Grateful to be your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s.  post your CW results to FB unless you're chicken (I went there!) - wink

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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