Subject: Catch Up, Connect & Charge Forward!

Hi Friend,

We lucked out over here. Only a few inches of light & wet snow. Simply had to push it and maybe some light 2-4 lb. medicine ball throws. No snowblower needed. :-)

Catch Up

Your weekend has arrived. What a great opportunity to catch up on sleep & rest or maybe stretching if you feel tight, a missed workout (here's the zoom recordings folder) if you had one and any work or home stuff you have. Capture it! There's only 51 left after this and they come quick!


If you didn't see your people over the holiday or everybody in the house is home or you're looking to check in, have some fun and make some memories, here's your chance. Go for it. Fill that bucket!

Charge Forward!

And of course, resolution season is great inspiration for reflecting and setting new goals. Here's a chance to reflect, day dream and put your goals down on paper (or digital). It's also a chance to take action on some of them and plan your week to take more action towards them. Keep chipping away and charge forward!

Now off to bed for Chef Mikey. The Alves have a big day tomorrow getting ready to host a lot of Alves energy for some hard shell tacos (my favorite) and soft wrap fajitas (Vanessa's favorite), giving tours of casa de Alves and the neighborhood, and for sure a lot of belly laughs and memories. Then Sunday it's catch up and charge forward for us!

Making it count,


p.s. we did 24min / workout this week!

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