Subject: 2023, P2 Overview

Hi Friend,

Happy Sunday to you! Let the momentum continue. We'll train 3 More weeks straight, which brings us to 7 weeks straight total and then we get a break with February vacation. #KeepGoing!

Phase 2 - January 30 - February 17, 2023

  • 3 weeks on, 1 weeks off

  • Total DB Load = 15-30% Bodyweight

  • Q1 Theme = Weight Loss, Pillar Stability & Spring Sports

  • P2 Theme = Fast

Progressions is what we do for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th phases of a quarter and they continue here from warm ups through strength and sometimes even conditioning, but not this phase for conditioning.

4 Point Stability adds instability by moving a leg.

Hops & Jumps move from sticks to double bounces.

Med balls add a shuffle.

Quadruped Opposites adds a single DB and goes to bent-over with a hand support.

Band Pull aparts changes the stance from tall kneel to half kneel.

Hang Jump Shrugs become Hang High Pulls & Hang Clean Pulls

Bridges add a DB to your hips.

Push Ups become unstable with alternating marches.

Split Squats get a 2nd DB in the goblet position.

TRX Rows are encouraged to progress from pendulum to bent knee or bent knee to straight leg or straight leg to feet elevated.

Quadruped DB Rows progress to high plank DB Rows.

Goblet Squats go from 1-DB to 2-DB. Oh Boy!

Shoulders progress from floor slides to legs on wall floor slides, which is great for your back.

Half Kneel, Alt OH Presses becomes Pete's not favorite Split Squat Hold, Alt. OH Press.

1-DB Kickstand RDL becomes 2-DB Kickstand RDL

Chin Ups become Neutral Grip Pull Ups and Bent Arm Pullovers become Straight Arm Pullovers.

@ Mackenzie Conditioning:

(T) Multi-Directional Relays,

(Th) Triathlon Relay

@ Home Conditioning:

(M) Steal Turns | Linear Hand Fires,

(W) Prone Starts | Carioca,

(F) Alt. B. Lunges | Lateral Hand Fires

Calf Training remains the same:

2-Leg Flat to 2-Leg Elevated, to 1-Leg Flat to 1-Leg Elevated to 1-Leg Elevated w/ DB

*40 reps is an arbitrary goal to progress. It could be less, it could be more.

**You could potentially use DB's w/ 2-legs flat or elevated and 1-leg flat.

***Achieving tier 2 is the key!

Weekly Schedule


Week 1 - ABA

Week 2 - BAB

Week 3 - ABA


Week 1 - BAB

Week 2 - ABA

Week 3 - BAB

Warm Up & Cool Down

Workout A - Extra

Workout A - Virtual

Workout B - Extra

Workout B - Virtual

Zoom Link

One zoom link. Same passcode. Please update your records.

6:00am, M / W / F

9:00am, M / W / F

6:30pm, M

Meeting ID: 895 1962 9800

Password: 4for4

Phase 2, Zoom Folder

Phase 2 Recordings

workout card-extra

workout card-virtual

stretch routine @ home

stretch routine - in person

Stretch Recordings

Guest Days

The gift of health is the gift of love this Valentine's Holiday! Who better to share happy hormone highs with than with your people.

If you know someone who's looking for what we offer, can do what we do and would be a good fit for us, invite them to come train with you. I'll treat them like as the Very Important Guest that they are.

2 Ways to Invite!

  1. email introduction

  2. share this link:

Weekend Workouts

The weekend workouts replaced private measurements during the pandemic. The people who regularly attend always tell me they enjoy the experience.

We're going to try something different this time. I've scheduled them to precede each new phase on a Sunday, vs. at the end of a phase on a Saturday. This way, you can (1) peace out and travel at the end of a phase like the schedule was designed to be done and (2) since many people come back early from travel, you can come back early, break the inertia and get your body feeling right with some in person self-care to start the phase.

Also, a theme for 2023 is to get fast! So, I'll use these Sunday workouts to help you get stretched out and to get fast. We may even have to go on field trips to different locations and maybe even have to sign up for something. TBD...

Shout Outs

  • P1, Full Workout Cards - no one...yet.

  • P1, Perfect Attendance: Joshua Gann, Peter Kelly, Julie Levin, Sarah Preis, Paul Gomez, Lisa Listerman, Vanessa Kane-Alves, Carol Vaghar and Andra Dean. You can't make change happen if you don't show up! You showed up!

  • P1, Week 3 Cardio Minutes: Marisa Cimino (250), Joshua Gann (250), Lauren Coyne (324), Peter Kelly (475), Julie Levin (386), Michaela Millot (420), Stephanie Bucci (271), Susan McHale (285), Amita Vasi (250), Gregor Rohda (282), Lisa Listerman (450), Vanessa Kane-Alves (325), Carol Vaghar (288), Alfredo Guerrero-Ortiz (250), Mike Coyne (185), Nishaat Vasi (200), Lisa Stevenson (325) and Jim Flynn (230). High Five for hitting your respective cardio minutes goals. #ThatFeelsGood!

  • Great to see Josh for the first time since pre-pandemic at the Stretch & Sprint! Thank you for coming!

Cardio Minutes - Week 4

We did 24min / workout and 38min at the stretch & sprint.

New phase. Fresh start. Make it count!

Coach Mike

p.s. what'd you do for cardio minutes last week?

p.p.s. who do you know that would love boot camp? email introduce or invite them.

p.p.p.s. This is the zoom link for all class times. Please save it!

Meeting ID: 895 1962 9800

Password: 4for4

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