Subject: Where Romaniello and I DISAGREE about fat-loss training...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So if you've not heard about John Romaniello's "Final Phase Fat
Loss" program launch, than you REALLY haven't been paying
attention ;)

He's got it on a launch sale until tomorrow at midnight - 52% off
- and I'm kicking in a copy of my own Metabolic Surge program
when you pick it up ONLY through one of the links in my emails
(send your receipt to to claim it).


It's a really well put together program....covers all the bases
from training to nutrition to supplementation for intermediate to
advanced trainers looking to drop the last 10 to 15 lbs of fat.
And it's definitely effective stuff. I've known Roman for about a
year now and I get more and more impressed with his knowledge,
the more I read his books and articles and whenever I meet up
with him.


That being said, I do have to disagree with one of the training
methods in the book.

I guess "disagree" isn't really the right word for it...his way
is very effective...I just think I have an even better way of
doing it :)

That training style is "Lactic Acid Training."

Lactic Acid Training is designed to elicit a Gro.wth Hor.mone
response in the body, which in turn directly combats cortisol
levels in your body, which (if you've ever seen those commercials
on TV) increases belly fat (what they say about belly fat and
cortisol is true...the supplements they want you to buy are
garbage, though).

John's written up a nice article talking about this whole cause
and effect relationship between all these hormones and how,
specifically, Lactic Acid-focused training can directly combat
belly fat. Check it out here.


When you read the article, you'll see his version of Lactic Acid's basically training done on a tempo of 4 seconds
up, no pause and very little focus on the negative (lower it
quick as you can under control back to the start position).

This is not a bad way to'll definitely get a lot of
Lactic Acid production going.

However, I prefer not to purposefully slow a movement down like
this. The muscles are designed for speed and the reason you
generate Lactic Acid with this type of tempo is that it's kind of
like pushing the brakes and the gas at the same time on your car.
You'll kick out a lot of exhaust (i.e. Lactic Acid) but you'll
have more fun when you're driving faster :)

It's not wrong to do this style of training...not at all. I just
prefer to do very fast, light training to produce a lot of Lactic
Acid, with very short rest periods (20 seconds) to keep the
Lactic Acid in the muscles and impair inter-set recovery on
purpose. I find this actually helps the nervous system to
maintain strength and speed while on a calorie-restricted diet.

Also, when you purposefully put the brakes on like this, it's
going to cause more muscle damage, which is tougher to recover
from when eating lower-calorie. The higher-rep, light-weight
training doesn't cause nearly as much damage and is faster to
recover from.

So my take on Lactic Acid Training is this...

Set #1 - Use a light weight you can get 30+ reps with and cranks
as many as you can as FAST as you can (with good form - don't
flail like you've just been Tasered) until Lactic Acid catches up
to you and you can't move the weight with good form anymore and
the burn stops you.

Take 20 seconds rest...this allows for some clearing Lactic Acid
(enough to do another set) but not enough for complete recovery.
DO NOT STRETCH in between sets...stretching helps clear Lactic
Acid and we want to keep it in the target muscles.

Set #2 - Using the SAME weight, crank out as many MORE reps as
you can. You'll generally drop from 30+ reps down to about 6 to 8
reps on this set. We're looking for ending the set due to
CHEMICAL failure here, not fiber failure. This means Lactic Acid
(and the resulting drop in pH) has reduced your muscles ability
to contract. Your muscle fibers don't get damaged as much because
that burn is not what causes soreness.

Take 20 seconds rest.

Set #3 - Same weight, same idea. Do as many reps as you can until
Lactic Acid stops you.

Repeat this for 6 to 12 sets...go with 6-8 sets on smaller
bodyparts like biceps, triceps and shoulders while doing 10-12
sets on bigger parts like chest, back and legs. Use the SAME
exercise and the SAME weight for all sets. We want to keep the
Lactic Acid production as specific as possible and keep it in the
same areas for the duration of the bodypart work.

Simple as that!

I've got a few other variations of it, two of which I'll post
links to here (the first is on a page where you can also learn
more about my Metabolic Surge program that I'm including as a
bonus when you pick up John's book).

1. No-Rest Lactic Acid Supersetting

2. High/Low Lactic Acid Training


So that's my take on Lactic Acid Training - if you want to use my
version instead of John's version while doing his program, he
won't take it personally :) It's easy enough to just substitute
that training for this type of Lactic Acid Training.

Here's the link again to pick up John's book:



P.S. IMPORTANT: In order to qualify for the Metabolic Surge
bonus, you MUST pick up John's program through the links in this
email! Once you do, just forward your receipt to and we'll hook you up!

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