Subject: Want bigger, better biceps? Then use THIS tweak on barbell curls...

From Nick Nilsson

This one is dirt simple...if that even makes sense as a phrase.

One little movement at the start of every rep you do of the
barbell curl is literally going to FORCE you into using proper
form that maximizes bicep tension (and growth!)...

...not that anybody out there EVER uses less than perfect form on
barbell curls...[insert sour expression here]. Hey, I'm guilty of
it, too, on occasion. Can't claim to be perfect :)

So I used this tweak last week and had a GREAT bicep workout. I
felt the difference on every single rep and I know it's going to
work for you, too.

Fair do it properly, you're going to have use LESS
weight than you normally do...but that reduced weight is going to
have probably DOUBLE the effect on your biceps.

Check it out here:


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