Subject: Want TRULY shredded abs? Use this simple coaching cue for knee raises...

Nobody wants shredded abs, right? Of course not...that's crazy talk.

Ok, that might be true on a different planet, but not on this one...
shredded abs are a HUGE priority.

Get Shredded Abs

And hanging knee raises (when performed in the way I'm about
to show you) are a tremendous exercise for getting it done.

Click here to learn it now...


And just a little housekeeping here. Yesterday, I posted a link
to the One-Arm Hammer Plank exercise that apparently didn't
work. Got that fixed here if you want to check it out...

(just on a side note, I always include plain text links at the
bottom of every email, in case I do something stupid and
forget to check links again...which potentially could happen :).


One last thing here, too...DEADLINE ALERT.

If you missed my last few emails, I've been talking about
an "at home" bodyweight training program from my friend Craig
Ballantyne. The program is called "Home Workout Revolution" and
it's VERY good stuff.

If you already train at home or want to train at home (or you can
use it when GREAT for that purpose, too), this
is a program you'll want to get.

It's got 51 workouts, all presented in "follow along" style, using
video. You'll know exactly what you're doing every step of the guesswork and no brains required.

The price of the program is going up tonight, so if you're interested,
definitely check it out now.

Check out Home Workout Revolution here before the
price goes up...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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