Subject: My 5 favorite "at home" ab exercises...

So in keeping with the "training at home" email that I sent out
yesterday, telling you about Craig Ballantyne's new "Home
Workout Revolution
" program, I wanted to bring you a list of
5 of my favorite "at home" ab exercises.

These are GREAT...only minimal equipment needed, and it's
stuff you'll have at home. You can use any or all of these
exercises with Craig's program, if you want.

One-Arm Hammer Planks - needs just the floor. This is my
favorite plank variation (it's tough even if you have a strong core).

Human Flag on a Bench - needs either a bench or a couple
of chairs set beside each other to lay your body on. This one
tightens up the side abdominal wall very effectively.

Lower Ab Planks - needs two for your forearms
and one for your feet (I demonstrate this in a power rack using
the rails, but you can use a chairs or stools instead of rails easily
enough). Hits the lower abs directly.

Pooch Belly Raises - just the floor. This is a GREAT one for
targeting that lower-ab pooch area that can bulge out, even
when you get down to low bodyfat. This'll tighten it right up.

Trunk Twists With a Twist - a broomstick. This one targets
the love handle area, tightening up the obliques underneath
the fat pockets. This won't burn fat directly from the area but
it'll help make the area look smaller pretty much immediately.


Now, if you missed that email yesterday, Craig's program is called
"Home Workout Revolution" and it's VERY good stuff.

If you already train at home or want to train at home (or you can
use it when GREAT for that purpose, too), this
is a program you'll want to get.

It's got 51 workouts, all presented in "follow along" style, using
video. You'll know exactly what you're doing every step of the guesswork and no brains required.

Craig's a master at home-based fat-loss training, so if you
have limited space, time or motivation to get to a gym, this is
going to be a PERFECT option for you.

Check out Home Workout Revolution here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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