Subject: Training to "prime" your muscles for growth

This is cool stuff... I use this concept of "prep" training in a few of my own programs as well.

The way I use it is with specific training methods to set your body up for increased muscle growth via nervous system activation (low reps, heavy weight), improved circulation (very high reps, light weight) and connective tissue training (heavy static holds and partials).

I find when you use this type of prep training, you get increased results when you focus on hypertrophy because your physiology is "more ready" for growth.

You can also use THIS method instead (21-Day Pause and Prime workout from Vince Del Monte and Ben Pakulski).

It's a bit different than my approach, but the "setup" concept is essentially the same.

Definitely good stuff.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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