Subject: The causes of muscle plateaus and how to DESTROY them...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, just a quick reminder, in case you missed my email the
other day about Vince DelMonte's free report "12 Untapped Ways to
Ignite Muscle Growth", he's going to be pulling down the page
after midnight tonight so go grab it while it's available, if
you're interested.


It's definitely good info...the 12 things he talks about are
right on the money (though I do have to say, I think he's missing
a couple...see below :)

Here's the list of 12 things you can attack in your training in
order to blast through growth the report, he talks
more in detail about each one and how you can address them in
your training:

1. Hypertrophy
2. Hyperplasia
3. Central Nervous System
4. Metabolic Target Training
5. Hormonal Target Training
6. Skeletal Target Training
7. Type 1 Fiber Recruitment
8. Type 2a Fiber Recruitment
9. Type 2b Fiber Recruitment
10. ATP/CP Energy System Utilization
11. Glycolosis Energy System Utilization
12. Aerobic/Oxidative Energy System Utilization

...and the ones I think he's missing...

13. Connective Tissue Loading

This is basically using heavy weight (e.g. partial training) in
order to load the connective tissue (tendons and ligaments). The
stronger your connective tissue is, the more weight your joints
will be able to handles, which translates directly into the
ability to use increased loads, which leads to muscle growth.

Case in point, the first time I used partial training, I did it
on bench press. I had plateaued at about 300 lbs and couldn't get
any higher. Then I used lockout connective tissue
got stronger and my bench went up to 350 lbs in a matter of a
couple of months.

14. Fascial Expansion

Fascia is the connective tissue surrounding your muscles, giving
them shape and containing them. But you can think of them like a
tight pair of jeans right out of the wash. When your fascia is
tight, your muscles don't have room to grow. With targeted
fascial stretching, you expand the fascia, giving your muscles
room to grow.

If you've heard of muscle memory (where people who return to
training after a layoff gain muscle more quickly), I believe that
phenomenon can be largely attributed to the already-expanded
fascia. The fascia doesn't tighten back up to where it was
before. So when you train again, your body can build muscle at
the rate it SHOULD be able to build muscle.

15. Microcirculation Density

By increasing the density of the capillaries the feed your
muscles (the small blood vessels where nutrient and oxygen
exchange take place), you can really increase the potential of
muscles to grow. Basically more food and oxygen means more

You can achieve improved microcirculation density with VERY high
rep training (50 to 100+ reps per set). It doesn't build muscle
directly but helps set the stage for enhanced growth by improving
your plumbing!

Think of it this way...the muscles you have a hard time getting
a pump in are generally the ones you have a hard time
growing...improve the circulation, improve the pump, improve the
muscle growth.


Overall, I think you'll find a lot excellent info in Vince's report!



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