Subject: "That is a WEIRD way to use a barbell..."

"...but it looks just awesome!"

I can remember somebody saying that to me the first time I did a "landmine" exercise (this was at a regular commercial gym, before I trained at home).

This was about 25 years ago and I had just read about the exercise in a muscle magazine.

It wasn't called a "landmine" exercise was a Barbell T-Bar Row, done just like a T-Bar row only gripping directly onto the bar.

Since there weren't any landmine attachments available then to anchor the end of the bar down, I had to load a bunch of light plates on the non-working end to keep the bar end down.

But MAN did it work. It lit up my lats like nothing I had ever tried before. I still use that exercise regularly to this day.


From that moment on, I was HOOKED on Landmine-style training.

In fact, I've come up with a TON of different landmine exercises over those past 25 years, extending the concept to full-body workouts that hit everything. It's truly amazing what you can do with such a simple setup.

You can do it with the barbell end on the floor or, as I do with a lot of my own variations, with the barbell set up on the rails of the power rack in order to change the height of the bar and really open up a whole new set of possibilities.

For an example of a floor exercise, this Landmine Split Squat is one of the single most effective glute-building exercises I've ever found. It hammers the gluteus maximus, medius AND minimus because of the angle that the load moves up at and the angle of push, and you can load it heavy.

It also helps with your balance as you're doing the exercise, similar to a machine but with enough freedom of movement to prevent any joint discomfort. It's awesome.

For building shoulders, one of my favorite variations of the "elevated" Landmine concept is the Two-Barbell Shoulder Press. To give you an idea of how long I've been doing this kind of training, I actually shot these pictures back in 2004 and I had already been using these exercises for years.

The options of the floor setup and the rack setup are practically endless.


Which Brings Me to The Best Landmine Training Resource I've Ever Seen...

It's put together by my friend and colleague from Vancouver, BC., Meghan Callaway, and it's called the Ultimate Landmine Program.

She sent me a copy of this program to review a few months back and I absolutely LOVED it. This is a concept I can get behind and Meghan's programming and exercise instruction is top notch.

This is one of my favorite training methodologies and, once you get going with it, it'll be one of your favorites, too.

It's going to get you phenonemal results in strength, muscle mass and even fat loss.

It gives you many of the benefits of machine training (like load stabillization, dynamic resistance, arced movements) and free weight training (freedom of movement, exercise variety, plate loading for endless resistance options).

In the Ultimate Landmine Program, you'll get complete training programs and detailed exercise instruction (pictures, text and video), all using the Landmine concept.


I'm Going to Give You a FREE Bonus Book, Too!

When you pick up a copy of The Ultimate Landmine Program, forward the receipt to and we'll get you set up with a copy of "The Best Landmine Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

I like the Landmine concept so much, and I like Meghan's book so mcuh, I put this bonus book together SPECIFICALLY for her Ultimate Landmine Program. You can sub in many of the exercises in my book into her program.

My book is not available ANYWHERE else and I'm not selling it separately.

Bottom line, if you're interested in Landmine training, go grab your copy of the "Ultimate Landmine Program" now and claim your free bonus book to go with it.


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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