Subject: [Review] Three muscle-building supplements from Kaged...

When it comes to building muscle, supplements can be a very beneficial way to get even MORE results from your training and nutrition.

Because SHOULD have your training and nutrition dialed in before you start adding in supplements. Putting supplements (even good ones) into the mix will not make up for gaping holes in your "big ticket" items.

With that in mind, I tested out three products from Kaged (formerly known as Kaged Muscle...they've rebranded recently) to see how well they stack up.

I used all three of these Kaged products in my training and supplementation strategy leading up to my "49th Birthday Challenge Workout" where I trap bar deadlifted 490 lbs for 49 reps.

Check out my full review of these three Kaged products here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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