Subject: Get a MONSTER chest pump from Hybrid flyes...

This exercise is going to DESTROY your a good way (a very good way).

If you have a hard time feeling your pecs working when you do chest exercises, this will fix that instantly.

With this exercise, you're going to take the best part of the dumbbell flye (the bottom) and combine it with the best part of the band flye (the top).

When you put them together, they eliminate the weaknesses of BOTH exercises, giving you monster pec work.

Check out Hybrid Band-Dumbbell Flyes here...and LIGHT UP your chest like nothing you've ever felt.

Hybrid Band-Dumbbell Flyes Bottom


Want more exercises like this?

I've put together an entire book of movements utilizing multiple forms of resistance like you see above to put 2-3 times the muscle-building tension on your body.

It's one of THE most effective ways I've ever found to train for growth.

It systematically eliminates the weaknesses of some of the most common exercises you do by adding in additional forms of resistance along with sometimes changing the DIRECTION of resistance as well.

Here's another example using Dumbbbell Bench Press, Cable Flyes and chains...all at the same time.

It's incredible stuff.

It's called Hybrid Training and you can discover how you can use to get 2-3 times more growth out of every set you do.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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