Subject: QUIZ: The Vitamin C you take is _____ you...

This is a VERY quick quiz...and your options are:

a) killing
b) doing nothing for
c) helping
d) inflating

And the answer is actually b or c...depending completely on what
kind of Vitamin C you're taking (I really hope it's not a or d!)

Keep reading and I'l explain why below...

First, did you know that according to Nielsen research, North
Americans consume the most multivitamins (and dietary supplements)
on the planet?

Ironically, we also have some of worst the health and obesity
problems on the planet. Go figure :(

The study found that 55% of North Americans take daily dietary
supplements. By contrast, the Mediterranean countries - Spain,
Italy, and France - had the lowest supplement usage (less than
30%). Yet, these countries are some of the healthiest.

So what's going on here?

Aside from eating processed garbage, most people in the western
world have been blind-folded about the reality of the supplements
they're taking. For starters, most supplements on the market
today are made from synthetics and regardless of which company
you buy from they are all sourcing their "synthetic" ingredients
from the same BIG 4 suppliers.

So what's the problem with synthetic vitamins?

>> Find out here

Here's one example of why synthetics are not good for you...

Did you know that the most common supplement form of
vitamin C (called ascorbic acid) is NOT actually vitamin C?

In fact, as our friend and holistic nutritionist Yuri Elkaim
reminded us, ascorbic acid is ONLY one component of the
whole vitamin C complex.

It's like saying that your roof is the same thing as your entire house.

Obviously it's not.

If you have a vitamin C or multivitamin supplement at home
I would encourage you to look on the label and see what it says.

If it says this…

Vitamin C (as Ascorbic acid) or something of that nature, then
you know you're ingesting synthetic, fractionized vitamins and/or
minerals that are doing little good for your body.

The factors that influence the absorption of nutrients relate not
only to the nature of the nutrients themselves, but also their
interaction with each other and with the non-absorbable

You don't get this beneficial synergy with synthetic, man-made vitamins.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

>> Get the full scoop on multivitamins here

Click to find out if Multivitamins are good or bad

Being a smarter consumer just makes're taking vitamins
for your HEALTH, not to make some company richer!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. In this article, you'll also discover the ingredient lists from
2 popular multis. You'll be blown away by the difference between
the 2 of them.

>> Discover the TRUTH about multivitamins

P.P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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