Subject: Protein...

I've been taking protein powder for a LONG time...

...since 1991, in fact, when I first started training.

If you wanted to build muscle, you had to take protein, right :).

They've ranged from total garbage that tasted like athletic field chalk (and yes, I know what that tastes like...I've gotten a mouthful of that before playing soccer)...all the way to delicious like dessert.

And the quality has ranged from worse than expired powdered milk all the way to top-of-the-line, state-of-the-art level.

What I've got for you today is the latter...on both counts.

One of the perks of what I do is that I get to meet and get to know a LOT of people in all aspects of fitness...from other trainers and coaches to training equipment inventors to supplement manufacturers.

The protein I'm talking about here is called LeanPro30.

And I actually KNOW one of the guys who put this formula together.

His name is Funk Roberts (for real ;) and a few months ago, he called me up and asked if I'd be willing to test out his new protein supplement.

I said "sure" as I'm always interested in testing out new stuff and I've known Funk for years...he's a stand-up guy and I knew that whatever he put together, it was going to be good.

He'd been working with a few other people for more than a year on creating a new class of protein powder...

  • from grass-fed cows (these ones are from New Zealand)
  • was made only with extremely high quality whey isolate
  • included digestive enzymes to help with absorption
  • included protein-digesting probiotics directly in the formula to further increase absorption (the strain they use increases protein utilization by 23% in studies)
  • naturally sweetened with stevia
  • and tasted AWESOME.

This protein contains

  • no fillers to increase volume, like thickeners, gums or sugars
  • no artificial anything
  • no lactose
  • no amino acid "spiking"...a process where cheap aminos are added to a formula to make it look like there's more protein in it than there actually is.
  • no other cheap proteins blended in

Here's what the bottle looks like:

Long story short, I got the bottle and I started testing it out.

Now, I've been taking whey protein long enough that I can tell the quality pretty fast, even just by tasting it. And this is high-quality stuff.

This protein has a nice light clumps, dissolves with simple stirring or shaking, has a pleasant but not overly sweet flavor.

I tested it without adding anything (vanilla flavor) then tested it with a few other things added in (I like to added powdered peanut butter sometimes). Blended great and tasted really good even just on it's own.

I'll be the first tell you that you don't absolutely NEED to take supplements, protein included. If you can get enough protein from your diet, you'll be fine.

For me personally, I like the convenience of protein powder, especially right away post-workout when I want to get it in FAST.

And whey isolate (like this is) is a FAST protein that gets into your system very quickly.


What's the Bottom Line?

I would definitely encourage you to give this stuff a try, especially if you've been looking for a new protein to try out. I really like this product a lot.

Is it magically going to build 20 lbs of muscle on you or make you burn 20 lbs of fat? Nope. But it's EXCELLENT nutritional support for a person training hard, or if you just want to increase your intake of quality protein.

And right now, you can get 10% off your order using coupon code "LEANPRO30VIP" (don't worry, it's on the top of the page, too).

They have "buy now" options as well as autoship options that end up being a fair bit cheaper, if you want the convenience of regular delivery.

And don't worry about being stuck on can cancel ANY time. As I said, I know one of the owners and I will absolutely go to bat for you if you have any issues at all (I can't even imagine that you will, to be honest).

Check out the full information about LeanPro30 on their website here.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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