Subject: One of my favorite training tools (and how you can get it FREE)

It's not anything crazy or's the humble exercise band and it's something I use regularly in my own training.

Bands are extremely effective training tools, especially if you workout at home or want to train while traveling and don't have access to a gym. They pack very easily.

And right now, you can get a set of high-quality Perform Better bands for "almost" FREE (just cover shipping and handling).

I will tell you right up front, the company that is giving these away is not focused on bodybuilding, hypertrophy and developing high-levels of strength (even though bands can be very effective for all those purposes).

Their focus is more on general fitness and "toning" type of workouts. You'll see exactly what I'm talking about when you click on this link.

And honestly, I used to not like that word "toning," but I've come to the realization that as a trainer, my job isn't to criticize the words people use but to help them actually get the RESULTS they want...and basically, I know what they want to accomplish when they say "I want to get toned" so why should I care what word they use.

Back to the bands... :)..

When you pick up your set of bands, you'll also get a free 30-Day Circuit Workout video course that will show you how to use these bands for at-home training. It's good info and will show you some very effective band workouts.

Now, what I also want to let you know is that when you sign up to get your bands, you will also get a free 14-day trial of their Advanced Training Program membership. This site is full of more workout routines, exercises and regularly updated training information.

Have a look through the site, and if you'd like to stay on, you don't have to do anything. If you'd like to cancel, just let them know before the 14 days are up, and you won't be charged a dime (I'll make sure of that...I've got your back).

Get your training bands here (just cover shipping and handling and you're all set!).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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