Subject: My best "secret weapon" TOTAL upper body exercise...

Nick Nilsson


Hey, I’ve got another new sample from my Powerful Training
Secrets site for you!

Back, Chest and Core Push-Pulls
Posted July 12th, 2010

This is one of my favorite "secret weapon" exercises. It hits
every major upper body muscle group in one exercise and targets
the deep muscles of the core with killer cross-tension! This is
one is a HUGE eye-opener the first time you do it.

Check it out here:


NEW! Facebook Comments

Be sure to post your comments, ideas and experiences on the
page...I've got a comments section at the bottom that I just
hooked into Facebook today. You can "like" the exercise and even
post your comments so they show up on the page and get posted on
your Facebook profile.

I always enjoy the feedback I get from you!

And btw, I take full responsibility for any crippling abdominal
soreness you get from that push-pull exercise ;)


P.S. Here's the link to the full "sample" area (got 64 pages of
stuff there now!)

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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