Subject: (I wasn't supposed to give this to you but...)

...I'm going to anyway.

You see, I didn't tell the guys who put the Anabolic Sleep book together (Alain and Joe) that I was going to do this...but I think they'll be ok with it...

Because TODAY is the last chance you're going to be able to pick up the book for cheap (like stupid cheap...9 bucks), I decided to grab a couple of sample pages right out of the book so you could for yourself exactly what kind of info is in it.

The pages that I grabbed are their recipe for an "Anabolic Sleep Shake" specifically researched and designed to help you get to sleep faster and get deeper, more regenerative sleep.

Here are the looks delicous and as you can see, EVERY ingredient has a purpose.

The main reason I wanted to show you these pages is to show you the depth of research these guys put into this book...Anabolic Sleeping.

This is not some hack-job manual that just tells you to go to bed early and drink a glass of warm milk before bed.

They've spent a ton of time digging through the research on sleep with the specific goal of helping you get deeper and better sleep so that you can build muscle faster.

This is not fluff. This is GOOD info that can really help you.

I will tell you right up front, the sales page is a bit hypey... you can skim through most of it and get a good idea of where they're going with it.

To me, the ACTIONABLE information you're going to get in the book (as I showed you above) is totally worth the small price they're offering it for right now...which expires at midnight TONIGHT.

Grab your copy of Anabolic Sleeping here before the price goes up big time at midnight.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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