Subject: How to build a FOUNDATION of muscle (the #1 mistake guys make)

One of the biggest mistakes guys make when it comes to building muscle is not building a FOUNDATION, not necessarily in their physique but in their KNOWLEDGE.

With the physique, it's pretty straightforward...building the foundation starts with using the big, heavy compound exercises with GOOD form, then developing strength over the course of months and years.

There are no shortcuts in that department...and even if you don't know exactly what you're doing, you'll still get results.

There ARE, however, shortcuts to be found in the KNOWLEDGE department.

That's something I always try and help you with...because it's very true that knowledge is power.

And to BE the best, you need to LEARN from the best (and that includes me...I'm a lifelong student and will never stop reading and learning and experimenting!).

One of the TOP guys that I know when it comes to training knowledge is IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski, who just competed in the Arnold Classic yesterday.

I honestly have no idea how he did last night, but to me, it doesn't really matter...I don't follow pro bodybuilding at all these days anyway.

What I AM most interested in is how HIS base of knowledge can benefit YOU.

And right now, to celebrate being DONE with contest prep ;), Ben has put his MI-40 Foundation program on sale for 50% off.

This is a GREAT deal on some seriously good muscle-building information and it's definitely a program I can highly recommend.

Ben and I share a lot of common ground when it comes to building muscle...he's actually one of the smartest trainers I know (not for that reason exactly, but it doesn't hurt :).
I learn a lot from him every single time I talk to him.

And yes, it IS effective stuff, even for natural trainers.

Now, besides the 50% off, Ben has also included some really cool bonuses to go with it...

1. Ben’s Arnold Classic Nutrition & Supplement Plans
2. Written Plans of Ben’s Arnold Classic Prep Workouts
3. Arnolds Success Live Coaching Call

Bottom line to me is this...when you have the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business for cheap, you take it.

And at 50% off on his Foundation program, you're going to learn a TON about how to best set your body up to build maximum muscle for a dirt-cheap price.

Check it out here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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