Subject: How to EXPLODE your genetic muscle potential...for a buck...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got two quick things for you...and right up front, if you TRULY
want to bust through your perceived genetic muscle-building
limits, you'll definitely want to jump on this.

And yes, it's just a BUCK... :)

1. Vince DelMonte has just opened the doors on his new "Maximize
Your Muscle" program...


This program is targeted specifically to SERIOUS trainers who
want to blast through their perceived limits on muscle (and I say
"perceived" because quite often, the limits we THINK we have are
just there because we haven't found the right knowledge to plow
through them).

If you remember the "12 muscle-building targets" report I had
told you about a few weeks back (with the different physiological
training strategies to go with them), THAT is what this program
is all about....plowing through those limits with targeted,
effective knowledge.

This is powerful stuff...Vince has really gone above and beyond
with this and the price is just insane.

Which brings me to the second thing...

2. I'm kicking in copies of my books "The Best Arm Exercises
You've Never Heard Of" and "The Best Chest Exercises You've Never
Heard Of" when you grab Vince's program through this link:


These two books are PACKED with amazing exercises that will send
your results and your motivation through the ROOF...53 chest
exercises and 68 arm exercises...great stuff to go along with
Vince's program - normally would be 60 bucks to get them both,
just fyi, so it's a great opportunity to take advantage of my
generous nature :)

So if you decide to purchase Vince's program, forward your
receipt along to me at and I'll hook you up
with a download link asap!


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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