Subject: How I bulked up to a lean 228 lbs at 5'10"...[pic inside]

So today, I want to share with you one the BIGGEST "a-ha!" moments that I ever had when it comes to building muscle WITHOUT gaining fat.

I call it the "Slingshot Effect"...and it literally allows me to gain muscle WHENEVER I want, with almost ZERO fat gain.

In the past (and the pic below was about 17 years ago), I've bulked myself up to a bodyweight of 228 lbs (fairly lean) using this strategy...which is not bad for a 5'10" NATURAL ectomorph.

I want you to think back to the last time you were on a strict fat-loss diet....

You weren't eating much in an effort to get that caloric deficit to achieve fat loss, right?

And as you kept up with the reduced-calorie eating, your body adapted to this reduced-calorie state by becoming more efficient with the food you were putting in, and potentially slowing your metabolism.

Now think of what happened when you came OFF that diet and started eating more again...

You immediately increased in bodyweight and likely in muscle mass as well. With the increased food intake, your body immediately cranked up your metabolism and started STORING up all the nutrients that were depleted while you were in a reduced-calorie state.

It also cranked up your anabolic hormone output (especially insulin and testosterone).

You basically went from famine to feast...and this is honestly THE single most EXTREMELY anabolic state you can put your body into.

You Can Get Muscle Growth ALMOST Without Even Trying Because Of It...

The "Slingshot Effect"...when you do it PURPOSE...will EXPLODE your muscle mass, with very little gain in fat.

The idea is to put your body in a low-calorie state for a period of time (I use 5-7 days in my programs...which is enough time for the body to adapt and set up the Slingshot).

Then we're going to turn you loose.

The diet phase is pulling back on the slingshot and the muscle-growth phase lets it go, rocketing your muscle growth forward!

And here's the bonus...while you'll be doing a "diet" phase primarily to set up the muscle building phase, the diet is also a very effective way to keep bodyfat gains under control WHILE you're building that muscle.

Your body becomes more sensitive to insulin, which means when you DO put the calories back in, the anabolic effects of insulin will be that much greater.

The BIG Problems With the High-Calorie Approach

Now, I'm sure you've experienced other muscle-building programs that simply rely on excess calories to support muscle growth.

The problem with that approach is that you will have a strong tendency to store any extra calories (over and above what's required for muscle growth) as fat...

...and as you gain fat, your estrogen levels go up, making muscle-growth even tougher to accomplish!

As well, as you keep calorie and carb intake high, you actually LOSE some of your body's sensitivity to insulin, reducing it's effectiveness as an anabolic hormone.

Effective muscle building DOES require an excess of calories...however, you DON'T have to or want to do that ALL the time...strategic cycling of calories is the best way to go.

This is How to Gain Lean Muscle WHENEVER You Want...

e moment I realized this and started experimenting with calorie-cycling as a stategy was the moment I truly realized that I could build muscle pretty much at will...

And as I mentioned above, I've bulked myself up to a fairly lean bodyweight of almost 230 lbs using this strategy. It flat-out WORKS.


Two GREAT Programs For The Price of ONE...

So the other day, I posted my comparisons between MY version of this calorie-cycling approach to building "Muscle Explosion" program and a new program from IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski called "The Incredible Bulk".

I've got the full review posted on my site here, if you missed it.

Now I want to give you a chance to GET both programs for ONE price.

Since Ben has just launched his "Incredible Bulk" program, he's got it on sale...

So for this week ONLY...when you pick up a copy of his program (using any of the links in THIS exceptions)...I'll GIVE you a copy of my Muscle Explosion program as well (the "gold" version, which includes the full exercise video library).

Just click this about his it, then forward your email receipt to and we'll set you up with the download.

That's it!

Bottom line is this...when you get these two programs, you're going to get a COMPLETE view of what is what I consider to be THE single most effective strategy for building LEAN muscle on the planet...the short-cycle approach.

And these two perspectives will teach everything you need to know to build muscle and strength whenever you want WITHOUT getting fat.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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